ES_SS_CO_10 |
Christian Ethics |
ES_SS_CO_12 |
Attendance and Punctuality |
ES_SS_CO_14 |
Attendance Appeal Policies |
ES_SS_CO_16 |
Couples and Dating |
ES_SS_CO_18 |
Engagements and Marriages |
ES_SS_CO_20 |
Faculty/Staff-Student Dating |
ES_SS_CO_24 |
Recording Devices |
ES_SS_CO_26 |
Electronic Devices in Classrooms |
ES_SS_CO_32 |
TV, Movies, and Computer/Video Games |
ES_SS_CO_34 |
Online Student Conduct |
ES_SS_CO_36 |
Moral Conduct |
ES_SS_CO_40 |
Social Expectations on Lifestyles |
ES_SS_CO_42 |
Alcohol & Drugs |
ES_SS_CO_44 |
Point System |
ES_SS_CO_48 |
Disciplinary Process and Appeals |
ES_SS_CO_50 |
Students Seeking Help by Self-Disclosure |
ES_SS_CO_52 |
Student-to-Student Accountability |
ES_SS_CO_54 |
Conduct of Student Leadership |
ES_SS_CO_56 |
Restoration and Due Process |
ES_SS_CO_58 |
Doubtful Practices |
ES_SS_CO_60 |
UG Student Handbook Signature Page |
ES_SS_CO_62 |
Code of Honor |
ES_SS_CS_05 |
Emergency Preparedness Plan |
ES_SS_CS_10 |
Weapons |
ES_SS_CS_15 |
Missing Persons |
ES_SS_CS_20 |
Student Organizations |
ES_SS_CS_25 |
Cafeteria |
ES_SS_CS_30 |
Chapel |
ES_SS_CS_35 |
Minor Student Waiver Form |
ES_SS_CS_45 |
Lost Keys |
ES_SS_CS_50 |
Music |
ES_SS_CS_55 |
Required Events |
ES_SS_DO_02 |
Mailboxes |
ES_SS_DO_04 |
Inspections and Care of Rooms |
ES_SS_DO_06 |
Dorm Conduct |
ES_SS_DO_08 |
Electrical Appliances in Dorms |
ES_SS_DO_10 |
Furnishings in Dorm Rooms |
ES_SS_DO_12 |
Safety Hazards in Dorms |
ES_SS_DO_14 |
Noise Level in Dorms |
ES_SS_DO_16 |
Quiet Hours |
ES_SS_DO_18 |
Pets |
ES_SS_DO_20 |
Visitors in Dorms |
ES_SS_DO_22 |
Windows of Dorm Rooms |
ES_SS_DO_24 |
Search and Seizure |
ES_SS_DO_26 |
Resident Assistants |
ES_SS_DO_28 |
Visiting Off Campus |
ES_SS_DO_30 |
Dorm Check-in and Check-out |
ES_SS_DO_32 |
Dorm Availability |
ES_SS_DO_34 |
Bulletin Boards in Dorms |
ES_SS_DO_36 |
Bicycles |
ES_SS_DO_38 |
Childcare in Dorms |
ES_SS_DO_40 |
Bed Linens |
ES_SS_DO_42 |
Dorm Devotions |
ES_SS_DO_44 |
In-Dorm Hours |
ES_SS_DO_46 |
Decorations |
ES_SS_DO_48 |
Food for Resident Students |
ES_SS_DO_50 |
Laundry Rooms |
ES_SS_DO_52 |
Dorm Lounges |
ES_SS_DO_54 |
Student Destination Form (SDF) |
ES_SS_DO_56 |
Residence Housing Requirements |
ES_SS_DO_58 |
Room Assignments |
ES_SS_DO_60 |
Television and Media in Dorms |
ES_SS_ST_05 |
Student Health Care |
ES_SS_ST_10 |
Immunizations |
ES_SS_ST_15 |
Main Campus Commencement Attendance |
ES_SS_ST_20 |
Christian Service |
ES_SS_ST_25 |
Student Dress Attire |
ES_SS_ST_30 |
Student Church Attendance |
ES_SS_ST_35 |
Lost & Found |
ES_SS_ST_40 |
Student Employment |
ES_SS_ST_45 |
Student Illness |
ES_SS_ST_50 |
Honor Student Status |
ES_SS_ST_55 |
Legal Responsibility |