Undergraduate Scholarships, Grants & Awards

Carolina University works diligently to keep the cost of tuition low and offer opportunities for additional scholarship to our students. Through the gracious giving of many donors and external partnerships, CU is committed to keep the cost of attendance to minimum for our students while providing an exceptional education experience.

Discounts and scholarships can only be awarded to main campus students and are applied beginning with the term in which a student is approved and enrolled, but are not retroactive. The General Scholarship Rule applies to all scholarships.

An application for all scholarships is available through the Scholarship Portal which is available during the Financial Services application procedure.

General Scholarship Rule

Scholarships: UG Institutional
Scholarships: UG Funded

Institutional Grants and Scholarships

Academic Award Up to $5,000

This tiered entrance scholarship is awarded based on high school academic performance. Scholarship renewal requires satisfactory academic progress. Carolina University will take the best of High School GPA or a simple average of college GPA should the student transfer with 12 or more college credit hours from the last semester attended.

2023-2024 Annual Scholarship Amounts Based on Full-time Undergraduate Enrollment

Tier GPA New Students Returning Students
1 4.0+ $5,000 $3,000
2 3.75-3.99 $4,800 $2,500
3 3.50-3.74 $4,300 $2,000
4 3.30-3.49 $2,500 $1,500
5 3.20-3.29 $2,250 $0
6 3.00-3.19 $2,000 $0


  • This scholarship is only available to undergraduate students who are enrolled in a minimum of 12 credits per semester (or 9 credits for summer).
  • Recipients must remain continuously enrolled.
  • A minimum GPA of 3.0 is required to receive any academic award.
    • For Tiers 1-3: Recipients must maintain a 3.35 GPA to remain eligible for full award.  Those who drop below this threshold will have their rewards reduced.  
    • For Tiers 4-6: Recipients must maintain a 3.0 GPA to remain eligible.  
  • The “Returning Student” column only applies to those who did not qualify for an academic scholarship when they enrolled (or received a lower award upon initial enrollment), but have now “earned” a higher GPA as a student.
  • General Scholarship Rule applies.
Alumni Referral Program $250 per year

The Alumni Scholarship is available to all graduates of Carolina University, Spurgeon Baptist Bible College, and Tennessee Temple University and is used to refer and recruit new students to CU. The student must be recommended and referred by an alumnus by completing an Alumnus New Student Referral form. Scholarship award is $250.00 per academic year and is available for four consecutive years.


Incoming first year, on campus undergraduate students.

Alumni Scholarship One third off tuition

The Alumni Scholarship is provided to all alumni of Carolina University as well as their children in appreciation of their years of support and service. For CU alumni, parents or spouse are also eligible. For TTU alumni, grandchildren are also eligible. Alumni applicants are eligible for up to one third off tuition for any program.


  • Must be new, fulltime, degree-seeking.
  • Must maintain SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress).
  • Transfer students are eligible.
  • Application is due 30 days prior to the start of classes.
  • Limited stackability.
  • Does not apply to dual enrollment or any “unique” program offered at CU.
  • Alumni is defined as anyone who attended CU, PIU, TTU, JWU, SEBC, Fruitland, Atlantic, Word of Life (any campus), and Spurgeon.
Awana Up to $1,000

Awana Scholarship Students who earn the Timothy, Meritorious, or Citation award can receive a scholarship toward on campus undergraduate tuition upon verification of the award. Carolina University must receive documentation from Awana verifying this award. This is done by contacting the Awana National office and filling out a Scholarship Verification form. They will contact CU with the necessary information.

AWARD (available for first year of enrollment only)

  • Timothy Award $500
  • Meritorious Award $500
  • Citation Award $1,000

The scholarship will be awarded based on the highest achievement level.


Award is available for full time students and is stackable. Confirmation of award from AWANA headquarters must be received prior to university application deadline period of May 1 of incoming year.

Bobby Kimbrough Scholarship Up to 40%

The Bobby Kimbrough Scholarship is awarded in recognition of the sacrifice of the men and women who serve our community by working full-time in law enforcement, detention, firefighting, emergency medical, etc. The award applies to any undergraduate, graduate, or PhD programs and provides 40% of tuition for on campus students.


Recipients must be employed full-time in Forsyth County, North Carolina as a first responder but also includes all support personnel who work in the police departments, sheriffs' offices, fire departments, emergency medical services, etc.  Eligibility includes the employee, their spouse and dependent(s). This scholarship applies to full-time and part-time students and is not stackable. General Scholarship Rule applies.

Carolina Christian School Scholarship 40% of tuition

The Carolina Christian School Scholarship is available to new undergraduate CU students who graduated from a Christian school in North Carolina or South Carolina. The scholarship award is 40% of tuition (not including fees, housing, etc.).  North Carolina residents may also qualify for the North Carolina Need-Based Scholarship (read more).


  • General Scholarship Rule applies
  • Student must attend CU on campus
  • Student must maintain at least half-time status
  • Must meet CU admissions requirements
  • Must maintain SAP
  • Limited stackability  
College Lift Scholarship 100% off tuition

Carolina University offers a scholarship for 100 percent tuition after the Pell Grant for up to nine semesters. The student must reapply for the Pell Grant annually to retain eligibility. The College Lift Scholarship* is available exclusively to graduates of the College Lift program. The student must have graduated from high school in good standing with the program, having completed all seven years of the College Lift Initiative preparatory program, and meet Carolina University's basic academic standard for admission.

*Formerly known as the Piedmont Renewal Network Scholarship


  • General Scholarship Rule applies
  • Student must attend CU on campus
  • Student must maintain full-time status
  • Student must meet CU admission requirements
  • Must maintain SAP
  • Limited stackability
First Responder & RN Scholarship Tuition assistance grant up to 22%

The First Responder & RN scholarship is awarded in recognition of the sacrifice these men and women face serving our communities daily.


The First Responder & RN must be a full-time employee, and eligibility includes the employee, their spouse and dependent. A First Responder is defined by police, fire, medical, or other as defined within their community.  Applies to full-time and part-time students and is not stackable. General Scholarship Rule applies.

Founders Scholarship $1,500 per year

Scholarship applies to on campus students.

  • Freshman: $1,500
  • Sophomore: $1,500
  • Junior: $1,500
  • Senior: $1,500


Scholarship is awarded and applied beginning with the term for full time student on campus students and applies to year enrolled and are not retroactive. Scholarship is only valid until completion of first year of senior year status. Transfer students begin at first year amounts and this scholarship expires once a senior year status is completed. Stackable with Academic, Honors, Early Application Scholarship, Alumni Referral, Awana Award, Talents for Christ, Word of Life Club Scholarships and Funded Scholarships. General Scholarship Rule applies.

Fruitland Baptist Bible Institute Scholarship One third off tuition

Awarded to Alumnus of Fruitland Baptist Bible Institute. Each FBBI alumnus is eligible for up to one third off tuition for any program.


  • General Scholarship Rule applies.
  • Student must attend CU on campus. 
  • Student must be full-time.
  • Must maintain SAP
  • Student must be alumnus of FBBI
  • Limited stackability
Graduate Assistance Grant Up to 3 credit hours of free tuition

Students selected to assist faculty members as a Teaching Assistant may receive up to 3 credit hours of free tuition per semester. This award is renewable if the student continues to serve as a TA. The amount will be based on the number of hours per week (for example 1.5 hours of tuition for a ½ time position).

Homeschool Institutional Grant

Carolina University offers a scholarship to homeschool graduates. Student must have graduated with a home school diploma or high school diploma issued by a co-op or online group.


  • General Scholarship Rule applies
  • Student must attend CU on campus.
  • Student must maintain at least half-time status.
  • Must meet CU admissions requirements
  • Must maintain SAP
  • Limited stackability.  
John Wesley Heritage Scholarship

To honor John Wesley University, the John Wesley Heritage Scholarship has been established to provide a scholarship toward CU’s undergraduate, graduate, and seminary programs.


This scholarship is available in perpetuity for all JWU students, alumni, and faculty/staff who were employed at the time of the merger, as well as the children and grandchildren of members in each of those groups. General Scholarship Rule applies.

Military Appreciation Scholarship (Armed Forces)
Ministry Development Scholarship Matching, up to one third

Students who are full-time employees of nonprofit Christian ministries will receive a match of funds paid by the ministry up to one-third of the charged tuition for the current semester only. This opportunity does not stack with the Supporting Church Pastor scholarship.

Presidential Scholarship

The Presidential Scholarship is awarded to new students based on their previous academic excellence. This academic merit award ranges depending upon the student's current/final GPA.  The award can range from 10% to 100% of tuition (does not cover fees, housing, etc.) Upon receiving applicants' transcripts, the Admissions office will review eligibility post acceptance at Carolina University. 


  • Subject to General Scholarship Rule (total of federal grants and CU scholarships cannot exceed the cost of actual tuition)
  • Recipient must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.35 in order to remain eligible
  • Limited awards are available
  • It cannot be stacked with athletic scholarships
  • Students are offered scholarship post-acceptance to CU


Sibling Scholarship $1,000 per year

The Sibling Scholarship is provided to all undergraduate siblings enrolled full-time on the main campus.  Both siblings must meet the eligibility requirements each semester in order to qualify (more than two siblings may qualify as long as each is enrolled at the same time).  This scholarship is awarded at the rate of $500 per sibling per semester with a maximum of $1,000 per sibling, per academic year.


  • Undergraduate
  • Fulltime (12 or more credits per semester)
  • Categorized as "Main Campus" 
  • Must have at least one sibling who meets the same eligibility requirements
  • Can be stacked with other scholarships (including Presidential)
  • General Scholarship Rule applies
Southeastern Heritage Scholarship

To honor Southeastern Bible College, the Southeastern Heritage Scholarship has been established, providing a scholarship toward CU’s undergraduate, graduate, and seminary programs.


This scholarship is available in perpetuity for all SEBC alumni, as well as their children and grandchildren. General Scholarship applies.

Stevens Scholarship Tuition assistance grant up to 22%

Awarded to employees and their dependents who serve in missions and or not-for-profit Christian ministries. Tuition is based on need and students may receive up to 22% tuition assistance grant.


  • Proof of eligibility must be submitted as follows:
    • Must be a full-time employee and/or dependents of a full-time employee of a not-for-profit Christian Ministry 
    • Must provide proof of employment or parent/spouse employment with non-profit
  • Undergraduates must complete a yearly FAFSA
  • General Scholarship Rule applies
  • Must be a US Citizen
  • Must be enrolled at least half-time
  • Not stackable
Supporting Church Scholarship - Members Tuition assistance grant up to 22%

Members of a supporting Church of Carolina University will receive up to 22% tuition assistance grant per credit hour. Renewal requires continued church support.


  • Must be new half-time degree seeking undergraduate student
  • Must maintain SAP 
  • Grant applies to on campus students
  • Grant applies undergraduate or graduate students
  • General Scholarship Rule applies
  • Transfer students are eligible
  • Application for scholarship is an annual requirement and must be completed by April 1 for following year enrollment.
Supporting Church Scholarship - Pastors Tuition assistance grant up to 50%

Pastors who serve as full-time senior, associate or assistant pastors of churches supporting Carolina University at a minimum of $100 per month will receive up to 50% tuition assistance grant.


  • Upon application and support from the church there is a six month waiting period before benefit applies.
  • Student must maintain SAP
  • Grant applies to on campus students
  • Grant applies to undergraduate and graduate students
  • Church must be in good standing and current with payments
  • Undergraduate students must complete a FAFSA each year
  • General Scholarship Rule applies
  • Non stackable
  • Application for scholarship is an annual requirement and must be completed minimum 30 days prior to start date.
Talents for Christ Scholarship Up to $5,000

Students who win state and national competitions in the Talents for Christ program and enroll full time on-campus will qualify for the scholarships as advertised (up to $5,000 over 4 years).


  • The deadline for the notification of competition results and application is August 1 of each year
  • Scholarship applies to undergraduate degree seeking on-campus student
  • General Scholarship Rule applies
  • Scholarship will be prorated over four years with last year of award being first senior year.
  • Limited stackability
Temple Heritage Scholarship One third off tuition

To honor Tennessee Temple University, the Temple Heritage Scholarship has been established, providing one-third of tuition toward CU’s undergraduate, graduate, and seminary programs.


This scholarship is available in perpetuity for all TTU students, alumni, and faculty/staff who were employed at the time of the merger, as well as for the children and grandchildren of members in each of those groups. General Scholarship Rule applies.

Word of Life Bible Institute Faculty and Staff Scholarship

Carolina University is pleased to offer a scholarship to current Faculty and Staff of Word of Life Bible Institute to seek a degree at the undergraduate or graduate level through our online school.


  • General Scholarship Rule applies
  • Must be currently employed and in good standing with Word of Life Bible Institute
  • Must maintain SAP
  • Non stackable
Word of Life Bible Institute Scholarship Tuition assistance grant up to one third

Awarded to graduates from Word of Life Bible Institute. Each WOL alumnus is entitled to receive up to 1/3 scholarship.


  • General Scholarship Rule applies
  • Student must attend CU on campus
  • Student must maintain half-time status
  • Must meet CU admissions requirements
  • Must maintain SAP
  • Student must be an alumnus of WOL
  • Limited stackability
Word of Life Club Scholarships

Students who earn the Steadfast Award or Creative Discipleship Award can receive scholarships from Carolina University. Certificates must be presented to the Financial Aid Office May 1 all semester. Award with be equally over four academic years.

Donor Funded Grants and Scholarships

Funded scholarships are made possible through the generous support of donors.

Alden & Georgetta Gannett Endowed Scholarship

The Alden & Georgetta Gannett Endowed Scholarship was established as part of the merger with Southeastern Bible College (SEBC) in 2017. Dr. Alden Gannett served as President of SEBC from 1960 to 1969 and again from 1972 to 1981. He also served as President Emeritus and then as Chancellor following his terms as President. As stated in SEBC’s catalog at the time of the merger, the Alden and Georgetta Gannett Scholarship is “for students called of God to Christian ministry and from families engaged in vocational ministry.”


This scholarship should be granted annually to qualifying students who meet the following criteria:

  • Enrolled in, or applying to, any seminary (ministry, Bible, or theology) program
  • Exhibits good scholarship by maintaining a 3.0 overall grade point average (GPA)
  • Demonstrates exemplary conduct both on and off campus
  • Proven financial need

Preference should be given to students from families engaged in vocational ministry. The recipient(s) will be selected by the Scholarship Committee.

Alumni Outstanding Student Award $100 per year

The Outstanding Student Scholarship Award in the amount of $100 was established by the Alumni Association and is awarded to an outstanding rising senior.


This scholarship is to be granted annually to a student who meets the following criteria:

  • Enrolled full time at Carolina University
  • Is a rising senior
  • Exhibits good scholarship by maintaining a 3.0 overall grade point average (GPA)
  • Displays a strong Christian Service record
  • Demonstrates exemplary conduct both on and off campus
  • Displays leadership qualities
  • Proven financial need

 The scholarship will be in the amount of $100 per year, payable in the sum of $50 for the fall and spring semesters. The recipient will be selected by the Scholarship Committee.

Atlantic Scholarship For Ministry Training One third off tuition

The Atlantic Scholarship was established in 2008, when Atlantic Baptist Bible College merged with Carolina University.


To qualify for this one-third scholarship, recipients must be one of the following:

  • Atlantic alumni
  • Atlantic faculty
  • Atlantic staff
  • Members of one of Atlantic’s supporting churches.
Barbara Williamson Pope Scholarship For Women

The Barbara Williamson Pope Scholarship was established in memory of Mrs. Barbara Williamson Pope. Mrs. Pope was a Christian businesswoman who worked side by side with her husband, Richard E. Pope, for many years. She was a long-time member of Salem Baptist Church.


Three awards are to be granted annually to women who are enrolled in study programs preparing them for Christian ministry and meet the following criteria:

  • Enrolled full time at Carolina University or Piedmont Divinity School
  • Exhibits good scholarship by maintaining a 2.0 overall grade point average (GPA)
  • Displays a strong Christian Service record
  • Demonstrates exemplary conduct both on and off campus
  • Proven financial need

The scholarship will be divided for the fall and spring semesters. The recipients will be selected by the Scholarship Committee.  

Belize Scholarship

The Belize Scholarship was established by an anonymous donor in December of 2024 to assist students enrolled at Carolina University. The goal of the scholarship is to make disciples and spread the gospel to the people of Belize. The scholarship money is to be awarded to Belizean natives who are currently residents of Belize.

The scholarship will be selected by vetting by representatives of Carolina University. If no student exists from Belize, then proceeds should be invested for future recipients.


This scholarship should be granted annually to any student who meets the following criteria:

  • Enrolled full or part time at Carolina University or Piedmont Divinity School
  • Exhibits good scholarship by maintaining a 2.5 overall grade point average (GPA)
  • Displays a strong Christian Service record
  • Demonstrates exemplary conduct both on and off campus
  • Proven financial need 
Edgar Rowe & Elliot Belcher Endowed Scholarship

The Edgar Rowe & Elliot Belcher Endowed Scholarship was established as part of the merger with Southeastern Bible College (SEBC) in 2017. Edgar Rowe was instrumental in the founding of SEBC when he launched a Bible institute in 1935 with the support of local pastors and laymen from the Birmingham area. His close friend and SEBC board member, Elliot Belcher, was a successful businessman with a passion for Christian higher education. His generous donations provided funding for many initiatives at SEBC including this endowment. As stated in SEBC’s catalog at the time of the merger, the “Rowe/Belcher Endowed Scholarship is for students pursuing a biblical higher education.”


This scholarship should be granted annually to qualifying students who meet the following criteria:

  • Enrolled in any university or seminary program
  • Exhibits good scholarship by maintaining a 3.0 overall grade point average (GPA)
  • Demonstrates exemplary conduct both on and off campus
  • Proven financial need

The recipient(s) will be selected by the Scholarship Committee. 

George M. And Doris T. Manuel Ministry Scholarship

The George M and Doris T Manuel scholarship was established in honor of George M. and Doris T. Manuel, who both were loyal and dedicated employees of Carolina University . Mr. Manuel served as a professor and librarian for many years before his premature death while Mrs. Manuel served in a variety of roles at Carolina University for 38 years. Following extensive military service in WWII as a commissioned officer, including time as a prisoner of war in Germany, George Manuel surrendered to the Lord and enrolled in Carolina University in 1948 accompanied by his new bride, Doris. Following graduation in 1953, he served on the staff at Carolina University during which time he completed a BA degree in history from Guilford College. Two months before he was to receive his Master of Library Science degree from UNC-CH, he was called home to be with the Lord in June 1963 at the age of 40. Doris, a young widow with three children, continued to serve in various capacities on the staff for more than 35 years, serving until the last year of her life, passing into the Lord’s presence in May 1999. George and Doris were exemplary in character, in their love for Christ, and in their loyal, devoted, dedicated service to Carolina University for a combined total of almost 50 years.


This scholarship should be granted annually to 2 students, one male and one female, preparing for full-time Christian service and meet the following criteria:

  • Enrolled full time at Carolina University or Piedmont Divinity School
  • Exhibits good scholarship by maintaining a 2.5 overall grade point average (GPA)
  • Displays a strong Christian Service record
  • Demonstrates exemplary conduct both on and off campus
  • Proven financial need

The University Scholarship Committee will review the list of eligible students and based on the criteria identified above and award scholarships. Half will be awarded in the fall and half in the spring.

Gordon Cecil Berry & Christine Drake Berry Endowed Scholarship

The Gordon Cecil Berry & Christine Drake Berry Endowed Scholarship was established as part of the merger with Southeastern Bible College (SEBC) in 2017. As stated in the original endowment agreement, this scholarship should be “awarded to students who actively demonstrate a passion and desire to make a lasting contribution towards the cause of Christ.”


This scholarship should be granted annually to qualifying students who meet the following criteria:

  • Returning juniors or seniors enrolled full-time in an undergraduate program
  • Exhibits good scholarship by maintaining a 3.0 overall grade point average (GPA)
  • Provides a written essay that describes a call to ministry, involvement in Christian service, and any leadership qualities or skills that have been gained

The recipient(s) will be selected by the Scholarship Committee based on the above criteria.

Hoyle E. Bowman Theology Scholarship

The Hoyle E. Bowman Theology scholarship is provided by the late Dr. Hoyle Bowman and his wife Mrs. Lucille Bowman. Dr. Bowman, faithfully served as Professor of Theology at Carolina University for 51 years and his wife, Lucille Bowman served Carolina University for 49 years as Librarian, Faculty Secretary and Alumni Secretary. Because of their great love for Carolina University, training others for future ministry and the Lord Jesus Christ, the Bowman scholarship was established.


This scholarship is to be granted annually to a male student who meets the following criteria:

  • Enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies and intends to pursue graduate study, OR enrolled in the Masters of Biblical Studies or the PhD of Biblical Studies.
  • Aspires to teach systematic theology or biblical studies on the undergraduate level
  • Exhibits good scholarship by maintaining a 3.0 overall grade point average (GPA)
  • Displays a strong Christian Service record
  • Demonstrates exemplary conduct both on and off campus
  • Proven financial need
  • Never has been divorced, nor has his wife been divorced

The scholarship will be divided for the fall and spring semesters. The recipient(s) will be selected by the Scholarship Committee and the amount awarded will be divided among the number of selected recipients with no more than 2 recipients per year.

John A. Carrara And Kathleen E. Carrara Memorial Scholarship

The John A. Carrara and Kathleen E. Carrara Memorial Scholarship was established in honor of Evangelist John A. Carrara and his wife Kathleen E. Carrara.


This scholarship is to be granted annually to a student who meets the following criteria:

  • Enrolled full time at Carolina University
  • Enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministries
  • Exhibits good scholarship by maintaining a 3.0 overall grade point average (GPA)
  • Displays a strong Christian Service record
  • Demonstrates exemplary conduct both on and off campus
  • Proven financial need

The scholarship will be divided for the fall and spring semesters. The recipient(s) will be selected by the Scholarship Committee and the amount awarded will be divided among the number of selected recipients with no more than 2 recipients per year.

Johnny Albert Award

The Johnny Albert Scholarship was established to honor Johnny Albert who is an alumnus of Carolina University, graduating in 1966 with a ThB degree. He pursued graduate studies, receiving a Master's degree from Bob Jones University and a doctorate from Community Bible Institute in Richmond, Virginia. He has pastored for 37 years and is currently serving at Faith Baptist Church in Cumberland, Virginia.


This scholarship should be granted annually to a male student who meets the following criteria:

  • Enrolled full time at Carolina University.
  • Exhibits good scholarship by maintaining a 3.0 overall grade point average (GPA)
  • Preparing for the pastorate
  • Displays a strong Christian Service record
  • Demonstrates exemplary conduct both on and off campus
  • Proven financial need

The scholarship will be divided for the fall and spring semesters. The recipient will be selected by the Scholarship Committee and limited to one.

Lehman Strauss Grant $50 per year

Lehman Strauss was a world-renowned Bible teacher, completed Jew, and noted author of over 30 books. The $50 Lehman Strauss award is given annually to the student judged to be the outstanding expository preacher. 

Mary Love Todd Memorial Scholarship $500 per year

The Mary Love Todd Memorial Scholarship was established by Larry Todd in memory of his late wife Mary Love, who went home to be with the Lord on March 29, 2013.  Mary Love had a passion for teaching and taught 1st grade for 36 years at Falls Road Baptist Church School in Rocky Mount, NC.  Carolina University is forever grateful to Mary Love for her key involvement in gaining state approval for our current teacher licensure track and partnership with High Point University.  You can read more about Mary Love and view pictures using this link


This $500 scholarship should be granted annually during the block semester in which a student completes his or her student teaching requirement to one student who meets the following criteria:

  • Enrolled in a teacher education program with preference given to those in the Elementary Education licensure track
  • Exhibits good scholarship by maintaining a 3.0 overall grade point average (GPA)
  • Displays a strong Christian Service record
  • Demonstrates exemplary conduct both on and off campus
  • Proven financial need

The recipient of the award will be nominated by the School of Education Faculty and selected by the University Scholarship Committee.

Mr. and Mrs. Romie Chambers Endowed Scholarship

The award was established by an endowment gift from Mr. Romie Chambers of Pfafftown, North Carolina, in memory of Carolina University’s founder, Dr. Charles H. Stevens. The scholarship is designed to assist students who are enrolled full time and in good academic standing (maintaining a minimum GPA of 2.5).

Pastor Jimmie Jones Memorial Scholarship Up to $1,500 per year

The Pastor Jimmie Jones Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $1000 is provided by Johnston Chapel Baptist Church in Princeton, WV, in memory of its founding pastor, Rev. Jimmie Jones. Pastor Jones served Johnston Chapel for 37 years, was on the Board of Trustees at Carolina University for over 20 years, and was responsible for directing numerous students to the university.


This scholarship should be granted annually to any male student who meets the following criteria:

  • Enrolled full time at Carolina University or Piedmont Divinity School
  • Is a rising junior or senior in the BA of Biblical Studies or a graduate student
  • Expresses the intention of pastoring
  • Exhibits good scholarship by maintaining a 3.0 overall grade point average (GPA)
  • Displays a strong Christian Service record
  • Demonstrates exemplary conduct both on and off campus
  • Proven financial need

Preference should be given to any qualifying student from Johnston Chapel Baptist Church, Princeton, WV. The scholarship will be in the amount of $1000 per year, payable in the sum of $500 for the fall and spring semesters. The recipient will be selected by the Scholarship Committee. 

Ralph & Glenna Dee Jones Endowed Scholarship

The Ralph & Glenna Dee Jones Endowed Scholarship was established as part of the merger with Southeastern Bible College (SEBC) in 2017. This endowed scholarship was established by Mr. and Mrs. Jones to honor their lifelong devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ, their faithful service to their church, and their longtime service to SEBC. In addition to their active support and recruitment of students, Mr. Jones served for 25 years as a member of SEBC governing board. As stated in the original endowment agreement, this scholarship should be “awarded to students who are called to Christian ministry, whether full-time pastors or missionaries or as Christian lay leaders.”


This scholarship should be granted annually to qualifying students who meet the following criteria:

  • Enrolled full-time in any university or seminary program
  • Exhibits good scholarship by maintaining a 2.5 overall grade point average (plus a 24 ACT if an incoming freshman)
  • Demonstrates exemplary conduct both on and off campus

The recipient(s) will be selected by the Scholarship Committee.

Rev. Spencer (Gene) and Elizabeth Osborne Memorial Scholarship

The Rev. Spencer (Gene) and Elizabeth Osborne Memorial Scholarship was established by the congregation of First Free Will Baptist Church of Reidsville, NC in 2019. The late Spencer (Gene) and Elizabeth were the parents of Sharon Osborne Hall, wife of the late Dr. John L. Hall, Jr., the founder and pastor of the First Free Will Baptist Church of Reidsville for 14 years. Gene and Elizabeth were dedicated Christians who were Charter Members of the Church. They both faithfully served the Lord in a number of capacities there for many years. The congregation graciously set aside the funds to establish an endowment fund in their memory.


The scholarship should be granted annually to qualifying students who meet the following criteria:

  • Enrolled in, or applying to, any university program leading to a degree
  • Exhibits good scholarship by maintaining a 2.5 overall grade point average (GPA)
  • Proven financial need

The scholarship amount will vary each year according to the amount realized by the annual return on the fund investment. The recipient(s) will be selected by the Scholarship Committee.

Rev. Willard U. Fulton Memorial Scholarship

The Rev. Willard U. Fulton Memorial Scholarship was established to express grateful appreciation for Rev. Willard Fulton’s life as a pastor and his love for the pastoral ministry. This scholarship seeks to fulfill the spirit of II Timothy 2:2, “And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” This spirit was seen by the congregation served by their undershepherd, Rev. Willard Fulton.


The Rev. Willard U. Fulton Memorial Scholarship seeks to further the training of future pastors. This scholarship should be granted annually to a male student who meets the following criteria:

  • Enrolled full time at Carolina University or Piedmont Divinity School
  • Exhibits good scholarship by maintaining a 3.0 overall grade point average (GPA)
  • Preparing for the pastorate
  • Displays a strong Christian Service record
  • Demonstrates exemplary conduct both on and off campus
  • Proven financial need

The scholarship shall be divided for the fall and spring semesters. The recipient(s) will be selected by the Scholarship Committee and limited to 2.

Richard E. Pope Memorial Scholarship For Men

The Richard E. Pope Memorial Scholarship was established by Mr. Richard E. Pope. Mr. Pope was a Christian businessman from Winston-Salem, North Carolina. He is a former member of the College Board of Trustees and a long-time member of Salem Baptist Church.


Three awards are to be granted annually to men who are enrolled in study programs preparing them for Christian ministry and meet the following criteria:

  • Enrolled full time at Carolina University or Piedmont Divinity School
  • Exhibits good scholarship by maintaining a 2.0 overall grade point average (GPA)
  • Displays a strong Christian Service record
  • Demonstrates exemplary conduct both on and off campus
  • Proven financial need

The scholarship will be divided for the fall and spring semesters. The recipients will be selected by the Scholarship Committee.  

Robert L. Patterson Memorial Scholarship $8,000 per year

The Robert L. Patterson Memorial Scholarship was established in 2008 by Mrs. Patricia Patterson in honor of her late husband who consistently demonstrated his love for Jesus Christ and the Word of God. Mr. Patterson continued to preach the Word right up till the day that he went to be face-to-face with his beloved Lord. Carolina University is proud to count Bob Patterson as an alumnus.

Robert and Patricia were instrumental during the critical startup phase of Carolina University’s Spurgeon School of Online Education as they provided outstanding consultation and significant resources for the project. It was obvious to all involved that one of the reasons God had so blessed their business was to put them in the position to advance the vision of Carolina University.


The Robert L. Patterson Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $8,000 is to be granted annually to a male student who is preparing for the pastorate and meets the following criteria: 

  • Enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies,  the Bachelor of Arts in Bible with Ministry Minor, Master’s in Ministry or Masters of Divinity
  • Exhibits good scholarship by having a minimum high school GPA of 3.0 and/or ACT score of 24 if an incoming freshman.  Or by maintaining a 3.0 overall grade point average (GPA) while at Carolina University
  • Displays a strong Christian Service record
  • Demonstrates exemplary conduct both on and off campus
  • Proven financial need

The total annual scholarship amount will be $8,000, awarded in the sum of $4,000 for the fall and spring semesters. The recipient(s) will be selected by the Scholarship Committee and the amount awarded will be divided among the number of selected recipients with no more than 4 recipients per year.

Roni & Charity Bowers Endowed Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the Board of Trustees with monies given in memory of Veronica Bowers. Known as Roni, she and her husband Jim graduated from Carolina University and served their Lord faithfully with the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism in the Amazon region of Peru. The lives of Roni and their infant daughter Charity were tragically taken on April 20, 2001, on the mission field of Peru. The purpose of this scholarship is to assist men and women training for the mission field.


This scholarship should be granted annually to a student fully enrolled in a missionary program, preferably with plans to work on a foreign mission field and meet the following criteria:

  • Enrolled as a full time student at Carolina University
  • Exhibits good scholarship by maintaining a 2.5 overall grade point average (GPA)
  • Displays a strong Christian Service record
  • Demonstrates exemplary conduct both on and off campus
  • Proven financial need

The recipient shall be selected by the Scholarship Committee and is limited to one. The amount of the scholarship will vary each year according to the amount realized by the annual return on the funds invested. 

Ruth VandeBunte Memorial Scholarship

The Ruth VandeBunte Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of Anna Ruth Varney VandeBunte, former Dean of Women, elementary teacher, and principal. The scholarship is in recognition of her love for students as demonstrated by her lifetime service as a career educator.


The scholarship is available to full-time juniors and seniors in the Teacher Education program who meet the following criteria:

  • Enrolled full time at Carolina University
  • Exhibits good scholarship by maintaining a 3.0 overall grade point average (GPA)
  • Displays a strong Christian Service record
  • Demonstrates exemplary conduct both on and off campus
  • Demonstrates potential for classroom teaching
  • Proven financial need

The scholarship will be divided for the fall and spring semesters. The recipient will be recommended by Teacher Education Faculty and selected by the Scholarship Committee.

Southeastern Bible College Heritage Endowed Scholarship

Carolina University merged with Southeastern Bible College (SEBC) of Birmingham, AL in 2017. As part of the merger agreement, Carolina University set aside significant endowment funds to honor the rich heritage of SEBC and to ensure permanent funding for this scholarship. You can read more about SEBC’s legacy here.


This scholarship should be granted annually to qualifying students who meet the following criteria:

  • Enrolled in any university or seminary program
  • Exhibits good scholarship by maintaining a 3.0 overall grade point average (GPA)
  • Demonstrates exemplary conduct both on and off campus

Priority will be given to students living (or attending classes) in the Birmingham area. The recipient(s) will be selected by the Scholarship Committee.

W.E. Hobbs Endowed Ministry Scholarship

The W. E. Hobbs Endowed Ministry Scholarship was established to assist men and women training for the ministry.  After graduating from Carolina University in 1961, Mr. Hobbs began serving his church in multiple roles including Sunday School teacher for over 40 years.  Before his death, Mr. Hobbs instructed his family to direct a portion of his estate to endow a scholarship for students who would otherwise not be able to attend the university. 


This scholarship should be granted annually to any student who meets the following criteria:

  • Enrolled full time at Carolina University or Piedmont Divinity School
  • Exhibits good scholarship by maintaining a 2.5 overall grade point average (GPA)
  • Displays a strong Christian Service record
  • Demonstrates exemplary conduct both on and off campus
  • Proven financial need

The scholarship amount will vary each year according to the amount realized by the annual return on the fund investment and shall be awarded with half applied to the fall and half to the spring semester. The recipient(s) will be selected by the Scholarship Committee with no more than 2 recipients per year.

Williams Family Endowed Scholarship

The Williams Family Endowed Scholarship was established by Abie and Debbie Williams in December of 2005 to assist students enrolled at Carolina University. Preference should be given to students from the New River Valley area of southwest Virginia, particularly from Calvary Baptist Church of Radford, Virginia. If no students qualify geography this scholarship shall be open for any qualifying student.


This scholarship should be granted annually to any student who meets the following criteria:

  • Enrolled full time at Carolina University or Piedmont Divinity School
  • Exhibits good scholarship by maintaining a 3.0 overall grade point average (GPA)
  • Displays a strong Christian Service record
  • Demonstrates exemplary conduct both on and off campus
  • Proven financial need

The scholarship amount will vary each year according to the amount realized by the annual return on the fund investment and shall be awarded with half applied to the fall and half to the spring semester. The recipient(s) will be selected by the Scholarship Committee and the amount awarded will be divided among the number of selected recipients with no more than 2 recipients per year.