Furnishings in Dorm Rooms

Responsible Officer
Marc Cutrell
Responsible Office
Student Services
Approving Body
Board of Trustees
Approval Date
Last Revision
Re-evaluation Date
Departmental Impact
Student Services
Publication: Undergraduate Handbook

Policy Statement

Each room is provided with furniture designed to meet the basic needs of residence hall living.

Policy Procedures

Each room has beds, mattresses, desk, chairs, chest of drawers, and closet(s). University-owned furniture or furnishings may not be removed from the room and must be used as the manufacturer intended. Furniture, other than that which is bolted down, may be arranged within the room to suit personal tastes. However, all furniture must remain in the room and returned to its proper place before the student checks out at the end of the school term. Other than bunk beds, furniture may not be stacked. Beds may only be bunked/assembled in the fashion designed by the manufacturer. Very limited personal furniture is allowed and must be approved first by the RA.

Failure to follow this policy may lead to disciplinary action.