Student Organizations

Responsible Officer
Marc Cutrell
Responsible Office
Student Services
Approving Body
Board of Trustees
Approval Date
Last Revision
Re-evaluation Date
Departmental Impact
Student Services
Publication: Undergraduate Handbook

Policy Statement

There are several organizations at CU. Students seeking positions as class or campus organization officers, as members of gospel teams, or athletic teams, must meet the qualifications designated in the Student Government Constitution.

Policy Procedures

Class Officers

During the first class meeting of every academic year, each class, including the freshman class, will elect officers to direct the class meetings, plan fundraisers, and organize other activities.

University Societies

All main campus undergraduate students have the opportunity to join a student-led Society. Each society works to connect students to organizations and opportunities with the purpose of giving students avenues to gain service hours and help the CU student body impact the immediate community. Each society emphasizes different service areas as follows:

  • Beta Sigma – Hunger Ministries
  • Pi Delta – Homeless Ministries
  • Gamma Chi – Women’s Ministries
  • Alpha Phi – Underprivileged Youth Ministries
  • Omega Nu - Evangelism

University Clubs

Students who share a common interest can apply for a club charter. A club must have at least 5 students and a university employee willing to sponsor the club. Initial club charters are for two years with a five-year charter available upon renewal.

Student Government

Officers for the Student Government are elected by the student body as a whole. Additionalrepresentatives are appointed from each Class and Society. The Student Government’s members areresponsible for planning social activities throughout the school year and serving on the Student Conduct and Student Guidance Committees.

Failure to follow this policy may lead to disciplinary action.