Noise Level in Dorms

Responsible Officer
Marc Cutrell
Responsible Office
Student Services
Approving Body
Board of Trustees
Approval Date
Last Revision
Re-evaluation Date
Departmental Impact
Student Services
Publication: Undergraduate Handbook

Policy Statement

Noise that can be heard from outside the closed room door is inappropriate and should be avoided.

Policy Procedures

Students are expected to demonstrate consideration for others. Conversations and socializing in the hallways should be kept to a minimum. In the residence halls, students are not permitted to practice musical instruments at any time unless the instrument is used with headphones. Practice rooms are available. Guitars may be played recreationally provided they are played quietly and that the noise guidelines are followed. At the request of the RA, students may play musical instruments to accompany singing for floor devotions and other approved group activities in the residence halls.

Failure to follow this policy may lead to disciplinary action.