Dorm Lounges
Policy Statement
Lounges are available in the residence halls. These lounges may be used for relaxation, studying, or informal group meetings.
Policy Procedures
Lounges are closed one hour after in-dorm. Permission to use the lounge after Quiet Hours must be received from the appropriate dean no less than 12 hours in advance. Please keep these areas neat and clean at all times. Couples should avoid any appearance of inappropriate or unbiblical behavior. Students of the opposite sex are not allowed on any other floor or any other area of the dorm except the lounge area. Students are permitted to use the Lee Hall first floor restroom located outside of the kitchen during open lounge hours. Students who fail to abide by the open lounge rules will receive a discipline referral and lounge visitation privileges will be revoked as prescribed by the Deans.
Failure to follow this policy may lead to disciplinary action.