
Responsible Officer
Marc Cutrell
Responsible Office
Student Services
Approving Body
Board of Trustees
Approval Date
Last Revision
Re-evaluation Date
Departmental Impact
Student Services
Publication: Undergraduate Handbook

Policy Statement

While CU allows consideration for individual preferences, it also attempts to develop in students an appreciation and respect for the University’s rich musical heritage. As a unique community of believers, Carolina University provides campus music guidelines for two categories of music: public and private.

Policy Procedures

God’s Word does not address specific musical styles. This omission is reflected in the diversity that has always existed among believers. Many of our musical preferences result from individual personality, background, training, and cultural differences.

Public Music

  • Refers to any music played in the public areas on campus such as The Den, Pope Activities Center, residence hall lounges, cafeteria, and other common areas as well as music played at university sponsored events.
  • Student Services makes the final decision regarding selection and use of any music in a public setting with the exceptions of the chapel program.
  • Moderation will be exercised in all public music selections with consideration given to Carolina University’s conservative history.
  • The following statements should guide evaluation of public music for CU:
    • Selections should conform to a biblical philosophy and should be theologically accurate.
    • The music, lyrics, and performance should demonstrate excellence and not mimic that which is evil in the culture.
    • The music should be designed to complement the message.
    • The selection should be appropriate for its designated use.
  • All student-initiated music performed at university functions (class and student sponsored socials, chapel skits, and announcements, etc.) must be cleared in advance by Student Services.

Private Music

  • Refers to any music played in residence hall rooms, on headphones, in cars on or around campus, etc.
  • Even though personal in nature, students should still exercise both spiritual maturity and deference to others in their choices. These guidelines have been established for private music:
    • Music played in the residence hall rooms should be played softly so as not to be heard outside the closed room door. Additionally, music played in cars should not be heard outside the vehicles.
    • Music with distinctively Christian lyrics is allowed. Discretion should be used with music that does not contain Christian lyrics and should be limited to selections that do not promote anti-Christian philosophies or behaviors.
    • While students are enrolled, they are expected to attend only off-campus concerts that meet the criteria above. Students should seek the counsel of Student Services personnel before purchasing tickets to events that may be questionable.
    • In the residence halls, students are not permitted to practice musical instruments at any time unless the instrument is used with headphones.
    • Practice rooms are available on campus. Voice practice should also be done in the provided music facilities.
    • Guitars may be played recreationally provided they are played quietly and that the noise guidelines are followed.
    • At the request of the RA, students may play musical instruments to accompany singing for floor devotions and other approved group activities in the residence halls.

Failure to follow this policy may lead to disciplinary action.