
Responsible Officer
Chris Ronk
Responsible Office
Human Resources
Approving Body
Board of Trustees
Approval Date
Last Revision
Re-evaluation Date
Departmental Impact
All departments
Publication: Staff Handbook

Policy Statement

Carolina University’s Administration will implement appropriate discipline with employees where it determines that such action is warranted.

Policy Procedures

Although the employment relationship is terminable at will, at any time, either at the employee’s option or at the option of the Administration, Carolina University may exercise its discretion to administer corrective action in cases where it deems it appropriate to do so. Carolina University reserves the right to terminate any employee at any time for any reason.

Disciplinary action may include various forms, such as verbal or written counseling, suspension, and/or termination. In addition, other actions that may be taken include transfer, reassignment, demotion, or other actions as the employer deems appropriate. However, corrective action is not mandatory or binding.

Failure to follow this policy may lead to disciplinary action.