Employment Status
Responsible Officer
Chris Ronk
Responsible Office
Human Resources
Approving Body
Board of Trustees
Approval Date
Last Revision
Re-evaluation Date
Departmental Impact
All departments
Policy Statement
Carolina University follows federal guidelines to define the employment- employer relationship status.
Policy Procedures
- Full-Time Staff Member: A Full-time Staff member is one who works a minimum of thirty hours per week and is employed for fifty-two weeks of the year.
- Part-Time Staff Member: Those who work less than thirty hours per week and up to fifty-two weeks per year are called Part-time. Part-time Staff, volunteer workers, students, and others who may not meet the definition of “Full-time” may receive some benefits under some circumstances, but not normally so, and the granting of benefits on a limited basis does not constitute a precedent setting situation.
- Student-Worker: Students will not normally be granted benefits (except under certain very limited situations). Even though a student may be asked to work thirty hours or more in one week, even on frequent occasions, this does not elevate that student to a Staff position nor does it grant him/her benefits which apply to the Staff.
- Volunteer Staff Member: Volunteer workers who may not meet the definition of “Full-time” may receive some benefits under some circumstances, but not normally so, and the granting of benefits on a limited basis does not constitute a precedent setting situation.
- Chief Administrators of the University - These positions are President, Provost, Vice President of Operations, and Vice President of the Seminary. They have faculty benefits and qualify for the faculty calendar; however, they follow the calendar as negotiated with the President and Board of Trustees.
- Full-Time Faculty Member - The individuals whose primary responsibility is that of teaching. They have faculty benefits and follow the faculty calendar. Additional status for long-term, adjunct faculty may be negotiated.
- Administrative Faculty Member - The individuals who gain faculty status on the basis of position and participation in faculty business; they have qualifications to perform a particular position. These positions are Director of Advancement, Dean of Campus & Spiritual Life, Registrar, Chief Financial Officer, Director of Library, Coordinator of Academic Technology, and Director of Institutional Effectiveness. They have faculty benefits but follow the staff calendar.
- Adjunct Faculty Member - Adjunct faculty are part-time faculty members who only teach and are paid on a per course basis. There are no benefits except remuneration for teaching. Adjunct faculty are invited to attend faculty meetings but are not required. They do not have voting privileges. They are not required to have regalia at graduation.
- Part-Time Faculty Member - An employee of the University who is either a full-time salaried employee who is asked to teach at least one course per semester or a faculty member (not full-time) who regularly teaches six or more hours per semester and who normally makes additional contributions to the institution including but not limited to academic advising and service on faculty committees. Part-time faculty may attend Faculty Meetings but are not required and are non-voting.
Failure to follow this policy may lead to disciplinary action.