Staff - Job Responsibilities

Responsible Officer
Chris Ronk
Responsible Office
Human Resources
Approving Body
Board of Trustees
Approval Date
Last Revision
Re-evaluation Date
Departmental Impact
Human Resources
Publication: Staff Handbook

Policy Statement

A supervisor or another member of the Staff or Administration will provide the new Staff member with a written job description and/or a verbal job description outlining what is expected in work activities.

Policy Procedures

The Staff member should feel free to ask questions to assure that he/she understands clearly what is expected. It is likely that further questions will be forthcoming after one is on the job for a period of involvement.

Everyone is expected to help other employees from time to time when the workloads require assistance. No one is to consider that he/she is limited to the particular assignment for which he/she is hired. Flexibility and a readiness and willingness to assist others as well as to accept help from others is necessary for accomplishment of the total workload. Acceptance of cross-training on other jobs to support this flexibility is expected of all employees.

Failure to follow this policy may lead to disciplinary action.