Board of Trustees: Committees

Responsible Officer
Charles Petitt & Chairperson of the Board
Responsible Office
Office of the President
Approving Body
Board of Trustees
Last Revision
Publication: Constitution & Bylaws

Policy Statement

The Chairman of the Board appoints members to serve on committees, and appoints the Chairman of each committee. Each committee in turn appoints a secretary, keeps its own records, and provides minutes of all meetings to the Chairman of the Board, all members of the committee, and the President of the University. Duties of the Committees are outlined in the By-Laws in Article VII.

Policy Procedures

  • Executive Committee
  • Physical Plant Committee
  • Finance Committee
  • Student Relations Committee
  • Education Committee
  • Institutional Planning Committee
  • Development Committee
  • Missionary Aviation Committee
  • Nominating Committee

Executive Committee: The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees shall consist of the Officers of the Board of Trustees, the Chairpersons of all standing Committees, and one member-at-large elected annually.

  1. The Committee shall meet as necessary to discharge the designated functions and any others assigned to it by the Trustees.
  2. A majority of members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Executive Committee.
  3. The Committee shall have powers and shall execute such duties as may be delegated to it by the Board of Trustees.
  4. In emergencies the Executive Committee shall have the authority to act on behalf of the Board. A situation may be deemed an emergency by the President or Chairperson of the Board.
  5. The Executive Committee shall hear appeals, grievances, and handle disciplinary matters presented to it and make direct reports to the Trustees.

Nominating Committee: In the annual meeting the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees will appoint a Nominating Committee of not fewer than three members for the purpose of nominating members and all officers of the Board of Trustees, and the Chairpersons of the Committees.

  1. The Committee shall meet as necessary to discharge the designated functions and any others assigned to it by the Trustees.
  2. The Committee may work closely with the President during the selection and vetting process. The President and/or members of the Committee will contact potential candidates to ascertain their willingness to serve.
  3. In the case of prospective new Board members, the Committee shall present them with copies of the Statement of Faith, Code of Conduct, and the Constitution and By-Laws, calling special attention to qualifications and expectations for Board members.
  4. The Nominating Committee shall present its slate of nominees to the Chairperson of the Board at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which their election is to take place.

Building and Grounds Committee: The Committee on Building and Grounds shall consist of not fewer than three members of the Trustees and the Chairperson of the Trustees and the President, who both serve as ex officio members of all committees with voting privileges. The President may appoint member(s) of the Faculty or Administration to meet with this Committee in an advisory capacity with no voting privileges.

  1. The Committee shall meet as necessary to discharge the designated functions and any others assigned to it by the Trustees.
  2. The Committee shall recommend such facility and maintenance related policies as it believes will be in the best interest of the University and shall work closely with the Administration to ensure their successful implementation.
  3. The Committee shall be concerned with the maintenance of the buildings and grounds as specified in the budget in cooperation with the Administration.

Finance Committee: The Finance Committee shall consist of not fewer than three members of the Trustees and the Chairperson of the Trustees and the President, who both serve as ex officio members of all committees with voting privileges. The President may appoint member(s) of the Faculty or Administration to meet with this Committee in an advisory capacity with no voting privileges.

  1. The Committee shall meet as necessary to discharge the designated functions and any others assigned to it by the Trustees.
  2. The Committee shall recommend such fiscal policies as it believes will be in the best interest of the University and shall work closely with the Administration to ensure their successful implementation.
  3. The Committee shall evaluate financial reports, approve the budget, order the conduct of an annual audit, govern the handling of all funds of the University, and approve the proper use of income from the University's unrestricted and restricted gifts.
  4. The Chairperson of the Finance Committee shall serve as the Treasurer of the Corporation.

Student Services Committee: The Student Services Committee shall consist of not fewer than three members of the Trustees and the Chairperson of the Trustees and the President, who both serve as ex officio members of all committees with voting privileges. The President may appoint member(s) of the Faculty or Administration to meet with this Committee in an advisory capacity with no voting privileges.

  1. The Committee shall meet as necessary to discharge the designated functions and any others assigned to it by the Trustees.
  2. The Committee shall recommend such student services related policies as it believes will be in the best interest of the University and shall work closely with the Administration to ensure their successful implementation.
  3. The Committee shall seek to be aware of the academic atmosphere of the student body comprised both of resident and non-resident people.
  4. The Committee shall review the Student Life Guide(s) annually.
  5. The Committee shall endeavor to keep abreast of all legal developments involving student rights and shall recommend procedures and policies to the Board in light of those developments.
  6. The Committee shall periodically review the housing of and service to the students for the purpose of making appropriate recommendations to the Board.
  7. The Committee may recommend policies to the Board in the areas of student admissions, alumni matters, and current student welfare.
  8. The Committee shall receive an annual report from the Administration regarding the number and nature of all disciplinary actions resulting in dismissals.

Academic Affairs Committee: The Academic Affairs Committee shall consist of not fewer than three members of the Trustees and the Chairperson of the Trustees and the President, who both serve as ex officio members of all committees with voting privileges. The President may appoint member(s) of the Faculty or Administration to meet with this Committee in an advisory capacity with no voting privileges.

  1. The Committee shall meet as necessary to discharge the designated functions and any others assigned to it by the Trustees.
  2. The Committee shall recommend such academic policies as it believes will be in the best interest of the University and shall work closely with the Administration to ensure their successful implementation.
  3. The Committee shall review periodically (at least annually) the academic programs of the Institution in consultation with the Administration for the purpose of ensuring conformity of the academic program with the institutional purposes.
  4. The Committee shall encourage personnel to improve continually their effectiveness and recommend proposed programs for in-service training and sabbatical leaves.
  5. The Committee shall concern itself with faculty and staff welfare.
  6. The Committee shall periodically review and recommend approval of the Faculty and Staff Handbooks.

Development Committee: The Development Committee shall consist of not fewer than three members of the Trustees and the Chairperson of the Trustees and the President, who both serve as ex officio members of all committees with voting privileges. The President may appoint member(s) of the Faculty or Administration to meet with this Committee in an advisory capacity with no voting privileges.

  1. The Committee shall meet as necessary to discharge the designated functions and any others assigned to it by the Trustees.
  2. The Committee shall recommend such development related policies as it believes will be in the best interest of the University and shall work closely with the Administration to ensure their successful implementation.
  3. The Committee shall annually review the Development Plan, receive periodic fund-raising performance reports, and advise accordingly.
  4. The Committee shall actively participate in fund-raising programs and activities and encourage Trustees and others to also participate.

Athletics Committee: The Athletics Committee shall consist of not fewer than three members of the Trustees and the Chairperson of the Trustees and the President, who both serve as ex officio members of all committees with voting privileges. The President may appoint member(s) of the Faculty or Administration to meet with this Committee in an advisory capacity with no voting privileges.

  1. The Committee shall meet as necessary to discharge the designated functions and any others assigned to it by the Trustees.
  2. The Committee shall recommend such athletic related policies as it believes will be in the best interest of the University and shall work closely with the Administration to ensure their successful implementation.
  3. The Committee shall concern itself with the wellbeing of student-athletes’ including their academic success.
  4. The Committee shall review periodically (at least annually) the athletic policies and programs of the University in consultation with the Administration for the purpose of ensuring conformity of the athletic programs with the University's mission and goals.

Ad Hoc Committees: Ad Hoc Committees shall consist of not fewer than three members of the Trustees and the Chairperson of the Trustees and the President, who both serve as ex officio members of all committees with voting privileges. The President may appoint member(s) of the Faculty or Administration to meet with these committees in an advisory capacity with no voting privileges.

  1. The Committee shall meet as necessary to discharge the designated functions and any others assigned to it by the Trustees. The Committee shall recommend such policies as it believes will be in the best interest of the University and shall work closely with the Administration to ensure their successful implementation.
  2. Ad Hoc Committees are appointed as needed for specific purposes and specified durations by the Chairperson of the Board.

Failure to follow this policy may lead to disciplinary action.