The Assessment Process of the Board of Trustees

Responsible Officer
Charles Petitt & Chairperson of the Board
Responsible Office
Office of the President
Approving Body
Board of Trustees
Approval Date
Publication: Board of Trustees Handbook

Policy Statement

Individual members are to be assessed annually in regards to their agreement with Carolina University’s doctrinal position and practice.

The Full Board of Trustees is to be evaluated each year in regards to its processes, actions, functions, and effectiveness.

Policy Procedures

This will be accomplished by each member’s signing of the agreement form in the January meeting each year. In addition, each member will annually complete the “Board of Trustees’ Self-Evaluation Form” following the September business meeting and return it to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees. These completed forms will enable the Secretary to evaluate the Board members in relation to their attendance of meetings and their support of the University in accordance with the By-Laws. The results of this assessment are to be the commendation of supportive Board members, the encouragement of weak Board members, and, if necessary, the discipline of those who have failed in their responsibilities.

This will be accomplished by the Secretary of the Board of Trustees compiling and summarizing the results of the “Board of Trustees’ Self-Evaluation Forms” submitted by the individual members. The evaluation form is included in the Appendices of this manual. The results of each evaluation will be put into writing and made available in the Administrative office.

The appraisal will be administered during the Spring semester. An ad hoc committee will be appointed to administer the appraisal and the results will be evaluated and reported to the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees in May of the appraisal year.

Failure to follow this policy may lead to disciplinary action.