Inclement Weather

Responsible Officer
Marc Cutrell
Responsible Office
Student Services
Approving Body
Board of Trustees
Approval Date
Last Revision
Re-evaluation Date
Departmental Impact
Student Services
Publication: Undergraduate Handbook

Policy Statement

The basic policy of the University is that we do not close for inclement weather. We do so only incases of severe conditions (Ex. Excessive accumulations of snow or ice).

Policy Procedures

A decision will be made as early as possible and recorded on the CU Phone System (Dial 336-725-8344, #5, 336-747-1100, or extension 1100). An email including a weather update will be sent to your Carolina University email address. When major changes occur, weather information will also be posted on the web. When necessary, closings will be announced on appropriate radio and television stations.

If classes are held, faculty members should make every effort to meet with their students. Staff members are expected to report for work as soon as possible. Anyone who concludes that their travel is potentially unsafe has the option to stay at home. Commuting students who cannot travel will be excused.

Failure to follow this policy may lead to disciplinary action.