Reporting a Fire

Responsible Officer
Marc Cutrell
Responsible Office
Student Services
Approving Body
Board of Trustees
Approval Date
Last Revision
Re-evaluation Date
Departmental Impact
Student Services
Publication: Undergraduate Handbook

Policy Statement

To report a fire that is an immediate danger to life and property dial 911.

Policy Procedures

If you are in the structure that is involved, engage the nearest fire alarm and evacuate the building. After emergency services have been notified, immediately contact Security and Dean of Student Development. If the public fire department has been called, make certain that someone is available and visible to direct the firefighters to the place of need.

If people are trapped inside a burning building, they should avoid opening hot doors. Trapped persons should immediately crawl to the nearest exit following the directions posted at each doorway.

Failure to follow this policy may lead to disciplinary action.