Attendance and Reporting Student Absences

Responsible Officer
Jeremy Pattisall
Responsible Office
Student Services
Approving Body
Board of Trustees
Approval Date
Re-evaluation Date

Policy Statement

Each professor is provided with access to the faculty portal attendance module which should be kept up-to-date for each class meeting. Disseminating a roll sheet for the purpose of recording class attendance is not recommended. Students are expected to attend class regularly and to be prompt. Absences are permitted for emergencies and should be taken seriously.

Policy Procedures

A. Face-to face Classroom and Online Live Streamed Synchronous Course

With the understanding that students have the choice to utilize the live classroom and/or the online integrated synchronous classroom, the following attendance policies apply to

both approaches simultaneously.

I. Student Absence Management

a. Absences, for any reason, count toward the Maximum Total Number of Absences allowed. b. In 080-099, 100, and 200 level courses that are scheduled over the length of a normal semester, students will receive a two-point reduction in the final grade for each absence beyond the following (or equivalent clock hours):

  • 1 absence in a class that meets 1 time a week
  • 2 absences in a class that meets 2 times a week
  • 3 absences in a class that meets 3 times a week
  • 4 absences in a class that meets 4 times a week

c. In 300 and 400 level courses, all absences will follow the make-up work policies listed below.

d. If a student exceeds the Maximum Total Number of Absences allowed in any course, the student automatically fails the course.

II. Maximum Total Number of Absences allowed for ANY Reason:

  • 3 absences in a class that meets 1 time a week
  • 7 absences in a class that meets 2 times a week
  • 11absences in a class that meets 3 times a week
  • 14 absences in a class that meets 4 times a week
  • 1-day (8 hours) in a one-week (5 days) module

III. Tardy, Early Departure, and/or Partial Attendance

a. When a student is late to class 3 times and/or departs early three times, this will count as one absence.

b. Students who miss more than 25% of a single class meeting will be counted absent for the entire class. Percentages per single class meeting are as follows:

  • 15 minutes for any class up to 60 minutes
  • 20 minutes of a 75-minute class
  • 25 minutes of a 90-minute class
  • 30 minutes of a 120-minute class
  • 45 minutes of a 180-minute class

IV. Inclement Weather Absences

a. Absences due to inclement weather closing or delays are not counted into the maximum total number of absences.

b. Weather absences are determined based on the university’s Inclement Weather Policy.

V. Make-Up Work Policy - The university sees the following absences as immediately available for make-up work:

a. Absences that occur because a student is taking part in a CU sponsored event

  • On a weekly basis, the Coach, Staff Advisor, or Faculty Advisor will send to all faculty a list of all students who will be absent that week; the list will include student names, dates and times of absence(s), and the nature of the absence.
  • Prior to each absence, students who will be absent are expected to contact each of their professors to inform them of their absence and request assignments and their due dates to insure full credit.
  • Students must complete all work assigned on days missed, according to the specifications of the professor. Students should make every effort to complete assignments early, if possible.

b. Illnesses

c. Funerals

d. Selected school-sponsored class trips or projects that meet divisional or degree requirements.

e. Other situations the Academic Council Committee collectively deems as having merit or basis.

f. All other course make-up work policies will be included in the course syllabus.

VI. Professor’s Responsibility

a. Professors must take roll every class period and make the attendance record promptly available to the students via the student portal.

b. The professor’s policy on make-up work for absences not covered above and tardies must be included in the syllabus.

c. Professors are encouraged to include attendance incentives in their syllabus.

VII. Student’s Responsibility

a. Students, especially those involved in CU athletic, music, or ministry teams, are expected to inform professors prior to a scheduled absence and plan for work to be made up at the professor’s discretion to ensure full credit.

b. Upon an unexpected absence from class, the student should contact the professor immediately to discuss make-up work.

c. Students should keep track of their own absences in each class, and resolve any discrepancies with the professor’s posted record of attendance as soon as possible.

d. Students should not wait until the end of the semester to deal with any concerns about absences.

VIII. Appeals Process for Attendance Policies

a. Appeals concerning a professor’s decision concerning make-up work are to be directed in writing to the dean of the school.

b. In extreme circumstances a student may appeal the Maximum Total Number of absences in writing to the Office of the Provost and accompanied by documentation for every absence.

c. Professors may advocate for those students with unusual circumstances, and those students with excused absence will be given due consideration.

B. Online Asynchronous Course Check-In and Participation Policy

  1. Enrolled online students must check-in to courses, continue with assigned work or officially withdraw.
  2. Failure to check-in will result in administrative withdrawal from the course.
  3. Ongoing participation will be based on the student fulfilling weekly requirements of a course.
  4. Students who withdraw after the check-in period may receive a grade of “WP” or “WF.”
  5. Students who check-in to a course and fail to maintain ongoing participation but do not officially withdraw will receive a grade of “F.”

Summer School Class Attendance

In summer school, absences are highly discouraged. In any class, absences may not exceed 25% of the total number of class sessions. (Ex: The fifth absence in a class that

meets for 19 sessions will be an automatic failure.) There is no appeal process for extra absences in summer school. Any exceptions should be made directly by the Provost/EVPAA. Policy on Class Attendance and Late Professors In most cases an announcement will be emailed or a notice will be posted on the classroom door when a professor finds it necessary to cancel a class. In the absence of notice, check with the Administrative Assistant to the Provost, Dean, Executive VP for Academic Affairs or the Provost for any available information. If the professor has left instructions, those instructions must be followed.Absence Due to Non-Payment of Student Accounts Students who fail to pay the total of their bills by final due dates for fall, spring, and summer will be prohibited from attending classes until the accounts are paid. The professor is expected to cooperate with the Administration by enforcing this policy. Professors will receive notification from the Student Accounts Representative in the business office concerning which students should be restrained from classes. The student grades will be subject to the absence-grade-reduction policy detailed elsewhere in this Faculty Handbook. Students who have not paid their bills by final exams are allowed to take final exams, but the grades are not posted until cleared by the Student Accounts Representative.

Failure to follow this policy may lead to disciplinary action.