Make-Up Work Policy

Responsible Officer
Jeremy Pattisall
Responsible Office
Approving Body
Board of Trustees
Approval Date
Re-evaluation Date
Publication: Undergraduate Handbook

Policy Statement

The University sees the following absences as immediately available for make-up work:

Policy Procedures

a) Absences that occur because a student is taking part in a CU sponsored event

  • On a weekly basis, the Coach, Staff Advisor, or Faculty Advisor will send to all faculty a list of all students who will be absent that week; the list will include student names, dates and times of absence(s), and the nature of the absence.
  • Prior to each absence, students who will be absent are expected to contact each of their professors to inform them of their absence and request assignments and their due dates to insure full credit.
  • Students must complete all work assigned on days missed, according to the specifications of the professor. Students should make every effort to complete assignments early, if possible.

b) Illnesses

c) Funerals

d) Selected school-sponsored class trips or projects that meet divisional or degree requirements.

e) Other situations the Academic Council Committee collectively deems as having merit or basis.

f) All other course make-up work policies will be included in the course syllabus.

Failure to follow this policy may lead to disciplinary action.