Ph.D. Biblical Studies Policies
Responsible Officer
Jerry Hullinger
Responsible Office
Approving Body
Board of Trustees
Approval Date
Last Revision
Re-evaluation Date
Departmental Impact
Policy Statement
The policies related to the PhD in Biblical Studies reside in the handbook located here.
Some of the policies include the following…
- Crediting Courses
- Form of Course Papers
- Language Proficiency Examinations
- Multiple Concentrations
- Dissertation Inquiry
- Oral Comprehensive Examinations
- Research Design & Procedures
- Admission to Candidacy
- Dissertation Preliminary Research
- Phase One, Phase Two, Phase Three
- Selecting a Topic
- Dissertation Proposal
- Dissertation Prospectus
- Dissertation Writing Process
- Conflict Resolution
- Approval Pages & Acknowledgement Pages
- Final Draft
- Committee Approval of the Final Draft
- Copying & Binding
- Final Dissertation Deadline
- Filing
- Copyright & Publication
Failure to follow this policy may lead to disciplinary action.