Independent/Directed Study
Responsible Officer
Sandeep Gopalan
Responsible Office
Academic Affairs
Approving Body
Board of Trustees
Approval Date
Last Revision
Re-evaluation Date
Departmental Impact
Policy Statement
Students lacking a course that is not scheduled during the last two semesters before graduation or those lacking one or two hours to meet graduation totals during their last semester may request permission to meet those requirements through a directed study.
Policy Procedures
- Students should submit a formal request to the Provost or Executive VP for Academic Affairs. The form may be obtained from the Registrar's Office. The request should include a valid, detailed rationale for needing the directed study.
- The Dean, the Professor who will conduct the directed study, and the Provost or Executive VP for Academic Affairs must approve the student to conduct the study. A professor must be willing and able to conduct the directed study.
- The student will be notified in a timely fashion.
- All directed studies should be with the professor that normally teaches the course. Exceptions will be made on an individual basis, considering the availability of faculty members.
- All students must officially register for all directed studies prior to beginning a course. This should be done at pre-registration or during the normal registration process at the beginning of the fall or spring semesters. The directed study should be completed by the last day of the final exam period of the semester in which the course is registered. Summer courses must be registered for at the beginning of the first summer session and must be completed by the last day of the last summer session. In extreme circumstances at the request of the student, one extension for six weeks may be granted. It is, however, at the discretion of the professor along with the other two committee members as to whether the extension should be granted.
- Uncompleted courses will be given a grade of F.
- Professors will have the work evaluated and a grade submitted to the Registrar's Office within a month from the completion deadline. A fee will be charged for each directed study. A one-hour study at $50.00, two-hours at $75.00 and three-hours at $100.00.
- No more than one course per semester or two per summer may be taken by directed study.
- At the beginning of the Senior year, if a student lacks more than six hours to graduate, directed study courses may not be used in order to complete graduation requirements.
- Directed study will not be allowed in courses requiring peer evaluation and demonstrated abilities such as conducting music, teaching instruments, ear training, homiletics, teaching methods, student teaching, and foreign languages.
Failure to follow this policy may lead to disciplinary action.