
Responsible Officer
Sandeep Gopalan
Responsible Office
Academic Affairs
Approving Body
Board of Trustees
Approval Date
Last Revision
Re-evaluation Date
Publication: Faculty Handbook

Policy Statement

Carolina University's policy on textbooks is to allow wide latitude of choice to the professor.

Policy Procedures

A textbook and/or set of notes should be required in each class. The preference is that a textbook should be required in every class, not just a set of notes. Some exceptions such as internships are acceptable. It is recognized that students need to be building a library. It is necessary, however, to clear all new texts through the Dean of the appropriate school. Wherever possible, a copy of the proposed text should be made available for the professor’s (and if needed the Dean’s) personal use before its adoption as a text.

When the text is approved, the dean should add the textbook to their school’s Google Sheet (distributed by the Academic Office). The school’s textbook Google sheets are normally due one week after the distribution of course assignments and must always be posted through the online bookstore before pre-registration begins.

Failure to follow this policy may lead to disciplinary action.