Academic Program Reviews
Policy Statement
Academic Program Review exists for the purpose of evaluating the credibility and effectiveness of program offerings at Carolina University.
Policy Procedures
Specifically, the objectives are as follows: a) to assess program educational effectiveness, b) to determine the cost-effectiveness of a program, c) to determine the need for program revision, and d) to determine the viability for continuation of a program. In the higher education context, especially Christian higher education, program review is essential as colleges face fewer high school graduates, proliferation of Bible colleges and institutes, proliferation of similar programs, escalating costs, and scarcity of resources. This process aids in starting new programs as well as making decisions about allocation or reallocation of resources.
Process: All programs are to be reviewed on a regular basis, every five years. The major areas of evaluation are quality, need, demand, and cost (Conrad and Wilson, 1985; Wilburn, 1995). The review is to be conducted through the appropriate school with a report summarizing the findings presented to the President, Provost, EVPAA, Academic Council, and Education Committee of the Board of Trustees. The review process will follow procedures established by the EVPAA/Provost.
Timetable: The review process should start in the summer and continue through the year. The final report is due on the dates specified.
Criteria: The indicators or guidelines to be addressed in a review are as follows:
- compatibility of program with University mission
- level of achievement of specific academic program mission
- compatibility of program objectives with program mission
- level of accomplishment of competencies under each objective
- evidence that the program and its courses are meeting learning outcomes
- appropriateness of each competency
- student enrollment for previous five years
- availability of qualified professors
- quality of professors in terms of academic preparation, expertise, experience, and meeting of accreditation guidelines (AABC, TRACS, SACS, ACSI, NC State, etc.)
- quality of instruction (student course evaluations, faculty observations, grade distribution of students, student performance on standardized tests, practicums, ordination councils, mission board doctrinal examinations, recitals, etc.)
- quality of administration
- curriculum content (is the content appropriate and is the coverage adequate -- should reflect norms established by the State Department of Public Instruction, FAA, ATS, etc.)
- financial requirements
- financial income production
- number of graduates, percentage of graduates in vocation for which trained
- availability of student services
- program needs assessment
- satisfaction of graduates with program preparation
- relevance of the program and courses to the job market-present and future
- external stakeholder feedback including from employers, and professional bodies
These criteria have been incorporated into the processes and procedures for Academic Reviews established by the EVPAA/Provost available in the university policy and procedures library as amended from time to time.
Failure to follow this policy may lead to disciplinary action.