Doctrinal Hiring Grid for Full Time Bible Faculty
Responsible Officer
Sandeep Gopalan
Responsible Office
Academic Affairs
Approving Body
Board of Trustees
Approval Date
Last Revision
Re-evaluation Date
Policy Statement
In addition to the requirement to sign the Carolina University doctrinal statement without mental reservation, full-time Bible faculty must also adhere to the doctrinal hiring grid.
Policy Procedures
Rejection of any one of the following points would preclude hiring.
The Scriptures
- Inspiration, infallibility, and inerrancy of the Bible refer to the original autographs
- Preservation extends through extant manuscripts and translations to the extent that they are consistent with the original documents.
- Bible version/translation extremes are not accepted.
- God is immutable, unchangeable in his being, and is omniscient, knowing all actual and possible events.
- The Godhead is one essence in three persons, not one person who manifests himself in different modes at different times.
- The members of the Godhead are equal in essence, but different in function.
God the Son
- Christ could not have sinned (impeccability).
- Christ is the eternal son of God
God the Holy Spirit
- Sign gifts have ceased.
- The Baptism of the Spirit is the work of the Holy Spirit that places believers into the body of Christ. This work began at Pentecost and will end at the Rapture.
- The ministry of the Holy Spirit permanently indwelling all believers did not exist prior to the church age.
The Fall of Man
- Totality depravity affects all aspects of man, but does not prevent his ability to respond to the Word of God and Spirit of God.
The Resurrection of Christ
- The phrase “sitteth on the right hand of God” in the doctrinal statement does not refer to Christ sitting and/or reigning on David’s Throne.
The Way of Salvation
- Jesus Christ died a substitutionary death for the whole world. This means that an individual teaching at Carolina University would not be able to hold to what is commonly called “a limited atonement.” More specifically, he would not be able to espouse the spirit of what is commonly called “Five-Point Calvinism.”
- Salvation is by grace through faith and only requires an individual to believe in Christ as Savior, recognizing that repentance is an integral part of believing. Commitment, discipleship, and good works flow from salvation, but none are required in order to receive the free gift of eternal life
- Faith precedes regeneration and faith comes by hearing the Word of God.
The Church
- There is a clear distinction between Israel and the Church
- The Biblical mode of baptism is immersion.
- The Church benefits from the New Covenant, but it was not made with the Church and the Church does not fulfill it.
Biblical Interpretation
- A literal interpretation of Scripture is required which includes the grammatical, historical, contextual hermeneutic.
- Traditional dispensationalism is the result of literal interpretation and is the right approach to Biblical interpretation.
- God created everything out of nothing in 6 literal 24 hour days.
Return of Christ
- There are two distinct events. The first is the rapture of the church. The second is the second coming, which is a literal, premillennial return of Christ to set up his kingdom to reign on the earth for 1,000 years.
- Biblical Covenants and promises made with Israel are fulfilled to Israel, not the church.
- Heaven, Hell, and eternal punishment are literal.
Failure to follow this policy may lead to disciplinary action.