Faculty Evaluation
Responsible Officer
Sandeep Gopalan
Approving Body
Board of Trustees
Approval Date
Last Revision
Re-evaluation Date
Policy Statement
Evaluation of faculty is performed both administratively and by students in order that effectiveness of instruction can be documented.
Policy Procedures
- The Faculty is evaluated each semester in each course by the students who complete an anonymous evaluation form. These forms are submitted to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness. The forms are distributed to the faculty members, as well as their dean, by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness. Course evaluations for courses taught by the dean are submitted to each dean, the Executive VP for Academic Affairs, and the Provost.
- Prior to the beginning of each semester a faculty member should present a copy of each syllabus their dean. Upon dean approval the syllabus should be submitted to the Library for archiving purposes.
- The Faculty will submit a self-designed list of professional and personal goals to their respective dean.
- The Provost/EVPAA or the appropriate dean may observe and evaluate at least one class session per year for each faculty member. Newly appointed faculty, faculty who have a probationary contract, or faculty who are remediating weaknesses may be observed more than once per year.
- The Office of Institutional Effectiveness will submit a grade analysis report to each faculty member, dean, the Executive VP for Academic Affairs, and the Provost at the end of each semester.
- The observation data, along with the results of the student evaluations, syllabi review, grade analysis sheets and yearly professional update, Faculty Self Evaluation will be reviewed with the faculty member at a scheduled conference session at least yearly by the dean. The data will be filed in the personnel file of the faculty member and discussed with the faculty member. The deans of each school will undergo the same review as the faculty member by the Provost/EVPAA as well as receive an evaluation.
- It is the responsibility of the faculty member to submit his/her self-evaluation form in a timely manner and follow the procedures specified by the deans or Provost/EVPAA for periodic faculty performance evaluation.
Failure to follow this policy may lead to disciplinary action.