Faculty Class & Organization Guidelines

Responsible Officer
Sandeep Gopalan
Approving Body
Board of Trustees
Approval Date
Last Revision
Re-evaluation Date
Publication: Faculty Handbook

Policy Statement

Each class or organization is assigned an advisor by the Provost/EVPAA who is typically a member of the Administration or Faculty.

Policy Procedures

It is the responsibility of the advisor to carry out the following duties, whether or not he/she is asked to do so by the students:

  1. Be present at all scheduled meetings.
  2. Be in constant touch with the activities of the organization through its officers and executive meetings.
  3. Approve all matters of organizational policy.
  4. Keep a close check on all expenditures.
  5. Be responsible for all activities and policies of the organization.
  6. Ascertain that no student on academic or disciplinary probation is active in the organization.

Faculty advisors are expected to guide, not direct.

Failure to follow this policy may lead to disciplinary action.