Dissertation Committee - Biblical Studies & Leadership

Responsible Officer
Jerry Hullinger
Responsible Office
Bowman School Bible & Theology
Approving Body
Board of Trustees
Approval Date
Last Revision
Re-evaluation Date
Publication: PhD in Biblical Studies Handbook, PhD in Leadership Handbook

Policy Statement

Upon successful completion of the course RES895 Research Design and Procedures the student must request the formation of the Dissertation Committee.

Policy Procedures

This request is submitted to the Dean of the Piedmont Divinity School who will appoint a three-member committee the third reader may be either internal or external to the Seminary faculty. The primary reader is the chair of the student’s dissertation committee. Only individuals who hold an appropriate terminal research degree (e.g. PhD or ThD) are authorized to serve on the dissertationcommittee. The duties of the committee include the following:

  1. Approval of the dissertation topic
  2. Evaluation and approval of the dissertation proposal, the dissertationabstract, the dissertation research and writing time-table, and the firsttwo chapters
  3. Reading evaluation of the first draft and subsequent revisions
  4. Providing guidance throughout the dissertation research and writingprocess
  5. Reading and evaluation of the final draft
  6. Conducting the oral defense and submitting a grade for thedissertation and the oral defense to the Registrar and a report to theDean of the Piedmont Divinity School

The committee consists of three Carolina University faculty members (one of whom is designated as the Chair). Only individuals who hold an appropriate terminal research degree are authorized to serve on the dissertation committee. Please note that the final determination of the Committee’s composition is the sanction of the Dean of the School of Leadership.

Failure to follow this policy may lead to disciplinary action.