Faculty Workload

Responsible Officer
Sandeep Gopalan
Responsible Office
Academic Affairs
Approving Body
Board of Trustees
Approval Date
Last Revision
Re-evaluation Date
Publication: Faculty Handbook

Policy Statement

Undergraduate and graduate faculty members who have no administrative responsibilities are expected to carry a full teaching load of approximately nine credit hours per week. Faculty are expected to teach a reduced load in the summer. Workload is assigned by the Dean of a School after taking all relevant circumstances into account. These include the individual faculty member’s interests, expertise, prior workload, preparation requirements, research commitments and track record, budget, and the school’s teaching needs.

Policy Procedures

All faculty have a work load that will not exceed 15 credit hours per semester. Any load beyond 15 must be by agreement of the faculty, additional compensation will be considered, and the workload must not affect the overall quality of education. Persons with substantive administrative and/or research roles will have reduced teaching loads. in addition to course assignments, the following factors may be used in computing course load:

Deans, Directors 9 semester hours
Student Teaching Supervision Number of student teachers / 1.5
Practicum & Internship Supervision Number of students / 2
PhD Dissertation Committee Chair 1 semester hour
Mentors Individual
Labs Based on discipline

The standard time limit for a dissertation is two semesters. Requests for extensions may be submitted to the appropriate Dean.

Any special conditions may be negotiated with the Executive VP for Academic Affairs.

Consideration should be given to the number of new courses, preparation required, and research needs. Whilst there will be individual circumstances at play in each faculty member’s workload allocation, as a general matter the teaching load at the university does not exceed 4 courses per semester.

Failure to follow this policy may lead to disciplinary action.