Faculty Meetings
Policy Statement
Professionalism requires each faculty member to attend faithfully each scheduled faculty meeting.
Policy Procedures
At the beginning of the academic year, during orientation sessions, usually held in August, each faculty member is given a schedule of meetings for the year. Any outside speaking, activity or class should be planned with the schedule in mind. When it is necessary to call special meetings or to cancel a regularly scheduled meeting, every effort will be made to notify faculty members. If in doubt, contact the Administrative Assistant at extension 7997. The Provost or Executive VP of Academic Affairs presides over the faculty meetings. All meetings shall be conducted with accepted parliamentary procedure in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order.
Normally, the Faculty shall meet weekly at a schedule to be agreed upon at the beginning of the semester. Divisions meet in lieu of the entire faculty, meeting approximately four times per semester. At any meeting in which business is to be conducted, a number equal to a simple majority of the full-time main campus professors shall constitute a quorum.
Failure to follow this policy may lead to disciplinary action.