Faculty/Staff Committees
Policy Statement
Substantial work is done on behalf of the Faculty by Faculty Committees. Appointments are made by the Provost. Committees normally serve indefinitely, although they are reviewed yearly. The Provost is an ex-officio member of all strictly academic committees.
Policy Procedures
Academic Council
In 1996, the Faculty voted to change the name of the Curriculum Committee to the Academic Council. The Academic Council serves as the Curriculum Committee of the University with expanded responsibilities.
The Academic Council is composed of the Provost, Associate Provost, the Vice President of Temple Baptist Seminary, the Dean of the Piedmont Divinity School, the Dean of the Moore School of Education, the Dean of the Piedmont Divinity School, the Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, the Dean of the School of Leadership, the Dean of Campus & Spiritual Life, the Librarian, Director of Institutional Effectiveness, and a faculty representative.
As the Curriculum Committee of the University, the Academic Council is responsible to 19 study, refine, and recommend to the Faculty all matters relating to the curriculum of Carolina University. Particularly, the Committee shall give attention to the following duties:
- to serve in an advisory capacity to the Provost
- to keep abreast of course offerings and of needs for curricular changes
- to consider proposals involving all additions, deletions, or modifications of curricular programs or required courses
- to discuss relationships of various school programs
- to handle other tasks as may, from time to time, be delegated to it
- to provide leadership in the academic areas of the University in conjunction with the Provost
All discussion of curriculum changes, program additions, and program deletions originates in each individual school. Each school reaches consensus and makes a recommendation to the Academic Council. The Academic Council discusses and acts on the school recommendation. In all votes, a simple majority is adequate. The Faculty has the authority to make curricular changes, but the Board of Trustees must approve program changes such as the deletion or addition of a program. In 2005, the faculty established the Graduate Council to be responsible for curriculum issues that relate to graduate programs. However, in 2014, the decision was made to allow Graduate Curricular decisions to be made by the full Graduate Faculty in conjunction with appropriate qualified members of the Academic Council.
Another major function of the Academic Council is the interviewing of potential faculty who have been recommended by a school. After the initial interview by the faculty of each school, the Council meets with potential faculty members to discuss testimony of salvation, doctrinal positions, educational preparation, experience, and compatibility with the mission and program of Carolina University. The Full-time Seminary Hiring Grid is the guide used in these interviews. The Provost takes a vote after the interview and informs the President of the recommendation of the Academic Council. The recommendation is then forwarded to the Board of Trustees.
Additionally, the major function of the Academic Council is to provide leadership in the academic areas of the University in conjunction with the Provost.
Academic Integrity Committee
The Academic Integrity Committee investigates violations of academic integrity as outlined in the plagiarism policy (see Student Life Guide), and is permitted access to the Academic Integrity files. This committee is composed of the Provost, one representative of the school of which the infraction occurred, and the faculty member to whom the work was submitted.
Academic Review Committee
The Academic Review Committee is composed of the Director of the Student Success Center, Registrar, Provost, a student appointed from the elected student officers, and a student appointed from the Resident Assistants.
Undergraduate Admissions Committee
The Admissions Committee is composed of the Director of Admissions (Chairperson), the Provost, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Dean of Campus & Spiritual Life, the Dean of Women, the Registrar, and two Faculty members at-large.
The Committee serves two functions: policy-making decisions concerning admissions and consideration of non-standard applicants for admission. The entire Committee discusses and recommends admission policies to the Faculty. The Committee works with the Director of Admissions to facilitate and improve the application process and, with the Registrar, to facilitate and improve the registration process. The Admissions Committee interviews candidates when necessary. Members make recommendations and render decisions as to the admissibility of each applicant.
Athletics Council
The Athletics Department is evaluated by the Athletics Council, which consists of the Dean of Campus & Spiritual Life, Dean of Women, the Athletic Director, two faculty members, and one Student Council member. The faculty members chosen should display an interest in sports at Carolina University and the part it plays in the educational process. The purpose of the Athletics Council is to assist the Athletic Director in establishing goals, developing a master plan, and building support in the University and community.
University Calendar Committee
The University Calendar Committee consists of the Director of Institutional Effectiveness (Chair), Provost, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Advancement, Dean of Campus & Spiritual Life, Dean of Women, Director of Enrollment Services, Financial Aid Director, Registrar, Dean of the Piedmont Divinity School, Dean of the Moore School of Education, Dean of the Piedmont Divinity School, Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, Dean of the School of Leadership, and the Athletic Director. The purpose of this committee is to meet annually and plan the administrative and academic calendar for the next academic year as well as advise the Provost on calendar changes.
Faculty Library Committee
This Committee is composed of the Library Director, Provost, Vice President of the Seminary, Dean of the Piedmont Divinity School, Dean of the Moore School of Education, Dean of the School of Leadership, Dean of the Piedmont Divinity School, and the Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences. The Faculty Library Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Library Director and serves in a liaison function between the Faculty and the Library. The officers of this Committee are a chairperson and a secretary chosen by the Committee. The chairperson presides over the meetings and formulates the agenda in consultation with the Head Librarian if desired. The secretary keeps the official minutes of each meeting and deposits a copy to be kept on file in the Library. Meetings are held as requested by the Library Director or by any member of the Committee. A quorum consists of three members. In the event of the absence of either the chairperson or the secretary, the Committee may select officers pro-tem. The responsibilities of the Faculty Library Committee are to advise the Head Librarian on matters not limited to, but including the following: 1. expenditures for expensive or rare research materials 2. expenditures for library physical plant and equipment 3. departmentalizing the budget 4. faculty involvement in selecting and removing library resources 5. policies relating to library use The Committee serves the interests of the Faculty by alerting the Head Librarian to faculty needs and concerns.
Faculty/Staff Benefits Committee
This Committee includes the Chief Financial Officer, Controller, Health and Life Insurance Administrator, and two faculty members. This committee is responsible to evaluate faculty/staff benefits: insurance, retirement, and other such items, and make such recommendations as necessary to appropriate bodies.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is composed of the President, the Provost, the Chancellor, the Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs, and the Chief Financial Officer. Using guidelines set by the Board of Trustees, it establishes workable financial policies for the entire institution. Preparation of the budget is maintained throughout the year.
Financial Assistance Administrative Committee
The Financial Assistance Administrative Committee is an administrative committee designated to write the descriptions of new scholarships in preparation for presentation to the Board of Trustees. This committee is composed of the Provost, Director of Advancement (or representative), Dean of Campus & Spiritual Life, Director of Enrollment Services, and Director of Financial Assistance.
Food Service Committee
The Food Service Committee is made up of the liaison with Pioneer Food Services, a male and female representative elected from each class, Student Council Representative, a commuter appointed by the liaison, and one faculty representative. The purpose of the Food Service Committee is to meet monthly and to evaluate the food service as well as make suggestions.
Graduate Admissions Committee
The Graduate Admissions Committee is composed of the Director of Admissions (Chair), the Provost, the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs the Dean of the appropriate School, and one faculty representative. The Committee functions as a review board to evaluate the admission status of students needing special attention.
Housing Committee
The Housing Committee includes the Dean of Campus & Spiritual Life, Dean of Women, Provost, and one faculty representative. This Committee is responsible to arrange adequate housing for students, utilizing all residence hall space before going off campus for any additional housing. It is responsible for the development of the rules and policies for all residence facilities including Stevens Hall.
Scholarship Committee
The Scholarship Committee consists of the Dean of Campus & Spiritual Life, Provost, Director of Financial Aid, Student Accounts Representative, Dean of Campus & Spiritual Life, Dean of Women, Graduate School Representative, Online Representative, and Registrar. It is the responsibility of this committee to evaluate academics, Christian character, and financial need depending on the requirements of the specific scholarship.
Student Conduct Committee
The Student Conduct Committee includes five members of the Student Council (in addition to the Dean of Campus & Spiritual Life or his alternate - the Student Council Advisor), and the Vice President of Student Council. The Student Conduct Committee acts as an Appeals Committee for discipline of minor social and academic violations.
Special Committees
In addition to standing committees, special ad hoc committees may be appointed by the President, Provost, EVPAA, or a Vice President for the accomplishment of certain tasks or research.
Failure to follow this policy may lead to disciplinary action.