MSOE - Deaf Studies Sign Language Interpreting Program Advancement Benchmarks
Policy Statement
By achieving the required benchmark scores, students are minimally prepared for more complex coursework and are more likely to persist through the program.
Benchmark levels were established to ensure that students have the requisite language proficiency and cognitive processing skills to succeed in subsequent classes and ultimately obtain the degree.
Policy Procedures
Benchmark #1 – American Sign Language Proficiency Interview
Either the American Sign Language Proficiency Interview (ASLPI) administered by Gallaudet University or the Sign Language Proficiency Interview (SLPI) administered by The National Technical Institute for the Deaf is taken toward the end of ASL IV. Students must receive the Level 2.0 on the ASLPI or an Intermediate on the SLPI to register for the following courses: SL 301 ASL V, Introduction to the Interpreting Process, Interpreting in Technical Settings, Educational Interpreting, ASL Linguistics, or Deaf Literature. Students who do not achieve a minimum of 2.0, will be required to take SL 203 ASL Grammar. This class will NOT count toward the graduation requirements. Upon completion of this remedial class, students may retake ASLPI or SLPI.
Benchmark #2 - National Interpreter Certification (NIC) Knowledge Exam
The NIC Knowledge Exam is administered by the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. This test must bepassed before a student can register for Fieldwork. It is recommended that students register 6 to 8 weeks in advance of the anticipated testing date. Students who do not pass the NIC Knowledge Exam must wait 3 months before retaking the test.
Benchmark # 3 – Placement Portfolio Evaluation
Students must submit a Placement Portfolio for evaluation. The portfolio will be evaluated by a panel of IEP faculty and Deaf mentors. Students must successfully defend their portfolio before they can register for Fieldwork.
Failure to follow this policy may lead to disciplinary action.