Scholarship Recipients 2020-2021

Francis Ackom
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
“I am highly honored to receive this prestigious Ralph & Glenna Dee Jones Endowed Scholarship for the 2021-2022 academic school year. This scholarship has come as a big relief and will help me to pay my tuition fees for the Fall of 2021 and Spring of 2022. I want to personally express my heartfelt gratitude to you for this scholarship. I am excited and looking forward to giving my best in the interests of Christian service to the benefit of others and to glorify God. As the text says, “To whom much is given, much is required.” (Luke 12:48). This scholarship will give me a boost in my studies. Thank you so much.”

Armando Aguilera
Hickory, North Carolina
“I am very thankful for being able to receive this scholarship. It really means a lot to me and my family. This scholarship will allow me to pursue my career in the criminal justice field. I want to give the Williams family a big thank you for awarding students with these amazing scholarships. I will definitely put my scholarship to good use by using it for tuition fees at Carolina University. Thank you!”

Michael W. Baker
Ward, Arkansas
“It is an honor to be a recipient of the Johnny Albert Award. Thank you for your generosity and willingness to help develop preachers and pastors for our Lord’s service. It is my honor to receive an award in honor of Pastor Albert as I look forward to the opportunity to serve my local congregation as a pastor in the future. Being a Virginia native, it is a double honor to have “hometown” support as I continue my studies for the pastorate. Your $400 scholarship will help me continue my studies in the Master of Divinity degree program. I am sure you are aware of the expense of today’s higher education. Your assistance is much appreciated and will allow me to accelerate my coursework due to the additional financial support. I am blessed to be called by our Savior and Lord into the preaching ministry. Having recently completed the M.A. Ministry degree program at Carolina University, I have been amazed at the wealth of knowledge and practical development that Carolina University has imparted in my studies. I am excited about the continuation of my studies while I serve in my local church and preach at sister congregations. I also look forward to serving at a local seminary where I can begin to give back to God by developing future pastors just as the professors at Carolina University have developed me. Once again, my wife and I thank you for your generosity and willingness to be part of our ministry here in central Arkansas. I pray that God will continue to use you to prepare ministers for the church and the furtherance of the Gospel.”

Candace Bell
North Wilkesboro, North Carolina
“Thank you so much for selecting me and helping me to be able to further my education! I am very thankful and will continue to pursue my education with this coming year being my final one here at CU!”

Luke Childress
Graham, North Carolina
“I am honored to receive the John A. Carrara and Kathleen E. Carrara Memorial Scholarship, and I wanted to thank you for your generous support. With this scholarship I will be able to continue attending Carolina University for my preparation for the ministry. We need more Christians in the ministry ministering and proclaiming the Gospel now more than ever in America, and we are eternally grateful that your donations continue to help us toward that goal. I have been greatly blessed by you and I hope that God blesses you in return as well. I will be praying for you, and that your ministries continue to bless others.”

Dawson Davis
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
“I greatly appreciate being chosen for the Richard E. Pope Memorial Scholarship for Men. This scholarship gives me the ability to follow in my father’s footsteps as a college graduate hopefully starting a long line of future graduates. I just finished my freshman year at Carolina University and plan on getting my bachelor’s degree in Interdisciplinary studies to pursue my teaching career. I personally felt interdisciplinary was perfect for this because I take classes in all different majors giving me the ability to have advanced knowledge in all subjects. As an athlete here in college and in high school I was thrown into a leadership role not only at school but in my everyday life. This scholarship enables my ability to continue my athletic career along with getting closer to Christ and hopefully bring the Carolina University morals and ethics back home and teach my future students. To be considered for a Scholarship such as this is a huge blessing in such a dark time in the world and proves if you keep working hard and fighting for what you want there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.”

Evan Denton
Gastonia, North Carolina
“I, Evan Denton, want to personally and formally thank you for your support by gifting this generously. With your gift, I am able to continue to work in ministry at school, church, and at the camp I work. It is an absolute honor to be taught by the professors at Carolina University and I have learned a great deal from their teaching. It has impacted my faith greatly and continues to in both my personal and professional life. I’m thankful for everyone at Carolina University, and thankful for donors like you who help keep me going in my ministry.”

Steven Dillon
West Jefferson, North Carolina
“Thank you for providing a scholarship through The Alden & Georgetta Gannet Endowed Scholarship to Carolina University to someone involved in the Ministry program here at Carolina University. Thank you also for your leadership at Southeastern Bible College for many years before the merger happened with the former Piedmont Bible College. I have nearly completed my bachelor’s degree in Ministry and plan to further my education with a master’s degree in Ministry here at Carolina University. I hope to use these funds wisely in a manner that would be honoring unto God and learn more about the Bible as I continue my education. This money will be a great help to me, and I hope to be able to provide scholarships just as you have for students like myself when I get into full-time work.”

Charis Dinger
High Point, North Carolina
“I am overwhelmingly grateful and honored to be one of the recipients of The Ralph and Glenna Dee Jones Endowed Scholarship. It is only through your generous support that I can pursue my dream of becoming a mental health counselor, and to inspire change in the counseling resources available to young adults. As I begin my education with Carolina University, your scholarship gift of $2,000 provides me with the opportunity to focus on my studies, as well as stay connected with my volunteer work for my local church. I wanted to thank you personally for your generosity and commitment to helping young adults like myself achieve the education they need to inspire change in this world and those around them. Your scholarship will help me earn my Master of Arts in Counseling, with a specialized focus in young adult mental health. My passion for this field comes from numerous experiences with family members, friends, and peers who deserve improved resources and accessibility to mental health counseling. I desire to create programs that encourage, connect, and provide counseling resources to this high- risk population. Once again, thank you for this gift and encouragement in my educational journey. I am committed to giving my all to my educational experience, and career as a mental health counselor afterward. I could not have pursued this opportunity without your support.”

Courtney Duncan
Newport, North Carolina
“I am sincerely honored to have been selected as the recipient of “The Barbara Williamson Pope scholarship for Women” thank you for your generosity which will help me continue on my path to becoming a social worker. As I continue my time here at Carolina University I am very thankful for your generosity and one day hope I can pass it on. Thank you for your thoughtful gift.”

Jeremy Eastwood
San Pedro de Macoris, Dominican Republic
“I am humbled and honored to be one of the recipients of The Robert L. Patterson Memorial Scholarship. I am eternally grateful for your generous donation and pray that God allows it to help further my education and ministry. I do not take your generosity lightly, and I will do everything in my power to use it to bring glory to God. My family and I are missionaries in the Dominican Republic. We felt God’s call on our lives shortly after a mission trip to the country in 2015. My wife and I are both teachers at Las Palmas Christian School in the city of San Pedro de Macoris. This is a bi-lingual school with close to 500 students, and we are privileged to teach all subjects from a Biblical perspective. We have three sons ages 13, 10, and 8, and we also have two adopted boys ages 16 and 8. We are involved in two local church plants, and we are active leaders in their youth and children’s programs. I began my undergraduate career as a freshman at Carolina University in 2020 and I am thrilled to report that my academics are off to great start! My plans are to use these courses to make myself a better educator, leader, and Godly example for my students and my children. My degree in Biblical Studies will not only enhance my knowledge of God’s Word, but will also strengthen my relationship with Him. Once again, thank you for your vote of confidence in me. While we may never get the chance to meet in person, please know that your donation to myself and other students is a tremendous blessing. The ways that the Lord has provided for my family while on the mission field are numerous, and I am beyond grateful that you provided this scholarship opportunity to me. Bendiciones!”

Alexa Eaton
Fort Thomas, Kentucky
“It is an honor to be the recipient of the Barbara Williamson Pope scholarship for Women. During my childhood, I was raised by my single mother, my role model, who went to school at night and worked full time during the day. Being a Puerto Rican woman, my mom faces discrimination daily, and has always had to work harder than her peers and coworkers to prove herself and provide for me and my little brothers. My mom, Nitza, has always been able to stay active in the Church throughout my life. As busy as my mom is, she always puts God first; my mom has taught me that no matter what, when we put God first, He always provides for us. My mom now has her Master’s Plus and is a bilingual 6th grade teacher in Elgin, IL. My mom has shown me how to keep God in the center of my life in everything I do, including when chasing after my dreams. At Carolina University, I am studying to become an American Sign Language interpreter, and with your donation, I am able to pursue my God-given passion for the Deaf community. When I graduate, I wish to bridge the gap in communication to ensure equal access to His Word for the Deaf, as well as equal access to drug recovery programs; because addiction runs in my family, I know how much closer my family members have gotten to God because of recovery fellowships. With all of my heart, I deeply appreciate your generosity, and will strive to be an honorable, God-loving woman like my mom and the late Mrs. Barbara Williamson Pope.”

Jeremiah Gibbs
Midland, North Carolina
“Thank you so much for selecting me as the recipient of The Mary Love Todd Memorial Scholarship. The funds provided through this scholarship will help me to pay for my education at Carolina University, so that I can pursue a career as a physical education teacher. I am grateful for your thoughtfulness.”
Christina Green
Hurricane, West Virginia
“My lifelong dream of serving the Deaf Community is moving forward, thanks to generous educational scholarships like yours. Since being named one of the recipients of The Gordon Cecil Berry & Christine Drake Berry Endowed Scholarship, my dream is becoming a reality at Carolina University. The $2000 award gives me an opportunity to earn skills that will serve the Deaf community following graduation. Thank you personally for your generosity: Without scholarship patrons willing to support Deaf Studies education, students such as myself would be unable to pursue advanced Deaf Studies degrees. Your scholarship will help me earn credentials in Deaf studies, which requires special training and coursework. My passion for the Deaf community is matched only by my love for American Sign Language, so my decision to specialize in American Sign Language Interpreting comes from the heart. Once again, thank you for the vote of confidence and the scholarship. I am committed to my education and to the Deaf Community, and one step closer to becoming a professional Sign Language Interpreter, thanks to your continued generosity and The Gordon Cecil Berry & Christine Drake Berry Endowed Scholarship.”

Grant Harris
Mount Pleasant, South Carolina
“I am honored to be a recipient of the Edgar Rowe & Elliot Belcher Endowed Scholarship Award. Thank you for your generous support which will help me to further my education at Carolina University. My undergraduate career began as a freshman this past fall. My academics are off to an excellent start with 3.72 through the first seven weeks of this current term. I was named to the Dean’s List for the fall term. Currently, my intended major is Business with a minor in Sports Management. I am a member of the Carolina University Baseball Team. The team had a successful season and qualified for the regional playoffs for the first time in baseball history. This experience has been a gratifying one, not only from playing the game, but through working with my coaches and teammates. Life lessons are learned by playing any sport, but my experience on this team has been nothing short of perfection. I am thankful and blessed for the opportunity to represent my university. Your generous support is appreciated and will help me pursue my education path here at Carolina University. The experience I receive will be invaluable in the future. My dad is a single parent as my mom passed away when I was twelve which is one of the many reasons, I am so appreciative of this scholarship. Thank you for choosing me as a recipient.”

Michelle Harris
Raleigh, North Carolina
“I am writing to say “Thank You” for your generous Barbara Williamson Pope Scholarship. It is an honor and a privilege to receive the Barbara Williamson Pope Scholarship in the amount of $667 dollars in memory of Mrs. Barbara Williamson Pope. I am very happy and very much appreciative to learn that I was selected to receive the Barbara Williamson Pope Scholarship. This Barbara Williamson Pope Scholarship will aid me in pursuing a Master’s Degree in Business Administration at Carolina University to help me advance my career in Higher Education. In order for me to attend Carolina University, I will need to receive all funding and scholarships to pay the tuition cost, fees, and books. By attending Carolina University, I hope to gain an outstanding Christian education that helps me prepare for advancement in my career to obtain a higher salary range than entry-level, and achieve the American Dream of affording a home that will better help me support myself, and future aspirations. I hope to use my God-given talents by putting them to great use to serve the LORD, and represent his name in all that I do. I give Christ Jesus all the glory and honor.”

Stephen Langley
Wilson, North Carolina
“I am honored to be one of the recipients of the Alden & Georgetta Gannett Endowed Scholarship. Thanks to your generous support I am the first in my family to attend college. I have just finished my second year at Carolina University, and my major is in Biblical Studies. I have had the opportunity to speak and serve at different churches, and I plan on using my degree to continue spreading the message of Jesus to the people of this world. Thank you for helping me follow my calling to serve the Lord!”

Christopher Martin
Greensboro, North Carolina
“I am honored to be one of the recipients of the John A. and Kathleen E. Carrara Memorial Scholarship. Thank you for your generous support. As we all know the pandemic had a dramatic effect on the lives of many. Through my time at school, I have worked in the restaurant industry. I was out of work from March to July of last year. While the economic stimulus and unemployment benefits mitigated some of the financial effects in my life, there have still been gaps in my income and financial needs. This scholarship is a welcome reprieve to help me close that gap. I am now back at work full time and wrapping up my undergraduate degree. In the coming months I hope to be involved as an intern with my church, gaining invaluable ministry experience. It is an honor to receive an award that’s name comes from a faithful servant of the Lord. It is my hope to continue in my pursuits and be worthy of the reward you have given me. After I finish my undergraduate degree, I hope to someday serve as a Chaplain in a Hospice or Hospital setting. My educational pursuits will help me obtain that goal and it would not be possible without generous support from scholarship sponsors like your organization. Thank you for enabling this opportunity!”

Kelly Mast
Grantsville, Maryland
“Thank you for graciously choosing me as one of the recipients of the Gordon Cecil Berry & Christine Drake Berry Endowed Scholarship, it is a great honor. Your generous support will never be forgotten. As a first- generation college student, I knew that going to college would require hard work and dedication. Yet, hard work alone would not have led to my strong academic standing. Where God leads, he also provides. It is by His goodness that I have been able to learn so readily. This fall will be the start of my Senior year at Carolina University. I look forward to graduation with a degree in Deaf Studies: Sign Language Interpreting. While I do not know where God is leading me upon graduation, I know He called me to this profession for a unique purpose. As has always been my goal in attending college, I want to help people. I do not know what life will look like upon graduation, but trust and believe God will show me the next step in His timing. Being a recipient of this scholarship brings much relief as it will alleviate some of the stress that is involved with attending college. I feel so very blessed. Thank you again!”

Chiara Mottola
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
“It is a pleasure and an honor being one of the recipients of the Mr. and Mrs. Romie Chambers Endowed Scholarship for the 2021-2022 academic school year. Thank you for the generous support. I am from Rome, Italy, and three years ago I decided to move to the U.S. to start my college experience here. Next year I will be a senior with a major in Business Administration. I am a student-athlete, I play volleyball for CU, and after my degree I am planning to get a master’s in business analytics. Because of the very bad situation my family is living in Italy due to COVID, my resources to finish my college degree drastically run out, and I needed to find other ways to pay for my education. Thanks to your generosity, I am a step closer to achieve this goal! Again, it will be an honor for me to represent Carolina University and my generous donors with my academic commitment; I will use this opportunity with grace and respect. Thank you for enabling this opportunity!”

Chely Mull
Hildebran, North Carolina
“I would like to thank God for sending you to make a very generous donation to the Reverend Spencer and Elizabeth Osbourne Memorial Scholarship. God works in mysterious ways, but his timing is always perfect! I am now a senior at Carolina University, and will be continuing my criminal justice degree because of your generous donation. I am a single mother to a handsome, smart, and loving one year old boy. Sometimes I have wondered if I will be able to give him the future and life he deserves. I chose to give all my worries to God and push through finishing school. Taking classes, working, and being a full-time mom can be overwhelming at times, but I know that all these struggles will be worth it in the end. Again, thank you so much for your donation to this foundation it is a confidence boost going into my senior year and is a reminder that there are still kind people in the world. God is good all the time!”

Daniel Glenn Musser Jr
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
“I am honored to be one of the recipients of The Richard E. Pope Memorial Scholarship for Men. Thanks for your support. Growing up, I have learned the value of higher education, and am striving to achieve great things in my academic career to assist in my working years afterward. I have just begun my final year as a bachelor’s student at Carolina University and am excited to wrap it up and move on to my Master’s program. My plans at this stage are to complete a major in Criminal Justice and then begin my master’s in Business. From shortly before I turned 16 on I have been working alongside school and playing sports. I did these things to give myself the best opportunities in college as well as to be able to afford it. Nearing the middle of my education, that work has been paying off, but sadly the fees and bills continue to come. I greatly value education and am determined to get my degrees, and your assistance is going to make that possible. Thank you for enabling this opportunity!”

Briana Odoms
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
“I am honored to be a recipient of the 2021-2022 W.E. Hobbs Endowed Ministry Scholarship. I am extremely grateful for your generous support. Thank you so much! In a year from now, I will have finished my program through Carolina University. I plan on using my degree to impact the lives of younger students in the field of teaching and of coaching. My educational goals wouldn’t be possible without the great support from you and others like you. Thank you, again, for this opportunity.”
Ruth Otero
Lowgap, North Carolina
“It has always been a dream of attending college and thanks to generous educational scholarships like yours it is becoming true. Since being named one of the recipients of The Ruth VandeBunte Memorial Scholarship, my dream is becoming a reality at Carolina University. This scholarship gives me an opportunity to earn skills necessary to become a teacher in this state of North Carolina. Thank you personally for your generosity, I feel absolutely blessed beyond measure for this gift. Your scholarship will help me place another stone in my way to a successful career as an educator, which requires special training and coursework. It has been a dream to be able to become a teacher and be able to add great happiness to my mother by becoming the first one in my home to earn a college degree. Once again, thank you for this opportunity that has been given to me by this scholarship. I am committed to my education in becoming the educator that I want to be. Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Luke 6:38”

Holly Powell
Cullman, Alabama
“As a recipient of the 2021-2022 Ralph and Glenna Dee Jones Endowed Scholarship, I wanted to thank you for the generous funding of this scholarship. I will begin my Master of Arts in Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling this fall. After a 15-year hiatus from school in order to raise and homeschool two of my three daughters, I will begin the process of getting my degree in order to become a licensed therapist. I have been working with many families over the last several years as a homeschool director for a local homeschool co-co, fellowship director for our local church, and confidant to many of my daughters’ friends. I currently work as a Vision Therapist at Snider Therapy Centers, LLC. My work in the past 15+ years has continued to show me that becoming a licensed therapist is truly what I would like to do with my life. My husband and I have been praying about this new adventure for several years. We finally felt like the time was right for me to begin attending school again, and we had been praying about how we would be able to do this financially. We were unsure of how the Lord would begin to work out the details, but if there is one thing we have learned in the last 20 years is that He will work all the details out. Our job is to obey and trust. Your donation has truly been an answer to prayer. Thank you for continuing to invest in the students at Carolina University (especially those of us that graduated from SEBC). You are greatly appreciated!”

Ariane Ramalho
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
“I am honored to be one of the recipients of the George M & Doris T Manuel Scholarship. I really appreciate your generosity in providing it, and I want to let you know that I will make a good use of it during my academic years. I am an international student from Sao Paulo, Brazil, and the financial situation in my country is not a good one at the moment due to many factors, and one of them is the COVID-19. I have just finished my junior year at Carolina University, and here I have met a community that is willing to provide me support and great experiences. I am motivating myself to always stay in the top of my grades and sport (volleyball), and one of my plans for the future is to complete my bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and keep growing in my career. I consider myself fortunate to be able to attend school in another country, and I am being persistent on this dream mostly because of my family, as they always support me in everything and always tell me to keep my head up. Complementing, I also enjoy doing voluntary services, and in Brazil I used to do it a lot with my church + high school, and I believe it has added me so many skills and values. Again, I would like to thank you for this kind gift, and let you know that it also motivates me a lot to continue to look forward my degree and dreams.”

Linda Richardson
Wake Village, Texas
“It is a great honor to be a recipient of your generous scholarship. Your provision will enable me to finish pursuing the college degree I started over 30 years ago. This scholarship will be a great blessing as I have been a full-time caretaker for my parents for the last 3 years. I enrolled at Carolina University with the intent of getting a Sign Language degree, but it was made very clear to me in my first semester that my passion lay in Bible study. After God revealed this to me my major was enthusiastically changed to Bible. The fruitfulness of your donation will not be lessened having been received by a middle-aged student in her senior year. There is an exciting path awaiting me! With my parents now with the Lord and my children newly married, I am thrilled to be able to devote myself full time to what God has for me. Unless God opens another path for me, I plan to start out leading a Bible study for the local Crisis Pregnancy Center and/or a newly opened Ranch for girls saved from Sex Trafficking. Your investment will make possible the furthering of God’s Kingdom providing women the hope and lifechanging truth the Bible holds. I truly appreciate your kindness and support in the furthering of my education at Carolina University as God prepares me for His ministry.”

Michael “Ralston” Schoch Jr.
Burlington, North Carolina
“I am sending you this letter to present my gratitude on being awarded the John A and Kathleen E. Carrara Memorial Scholarship. Being given a scholarship of this nature is very comforting to me financially. I understand to required stipulations of the scholarship and plan to uphold the values of the scholarship in the rest of my academic career as well as in my own life. I have been given many tools, opportunities to serve, ways to followship with other believers, and knowledge of the Bible at Carolina University. I am grateful for this financial gift and encouragement to continue in my studies. Only by the grace of God am I able to strive to serve Him and for His glory I shall serve.”

Daniel Self
Jefferson, New York
“I am honored to be the recipient of The Reverend Willard U. Fulton Memorial Scholarship. Thanks to your generous support I am able to get one step closer to achieving my educational and ministerial goals With the current trajectory of this country as well as having a family of my own, it is more apparent that ever that we need highly trained ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to go out and speak truth where ever they may be. I am entering my final year at Carolina University and the academics and spiritual nurture that I have encountered have been fantastic. My plans at this stage are to complete a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies, enter the Pastorate, and then to go on to relevant doctoral studies as well. Carolina University offers one of the finest programs in the country and I consider myself fortunate to be able to attend. I am presently preaching at a church in Upstate NY and working with the current pastor on a retirement and transition plan in which this church retains a solid biblical witness in the pulpit. If you are unfamiliar with the area, Upstate NY is a darkened area with very little of the true light of Christ shining forth. Thanks to your donation, I will be able to walk forward in faith to see that light grow a little brighter even as the world does its best to snuff us out.”
Ronald Smart
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
“I am honored to be one of the recipients for the George M and Doris T. Manuel ministry scholarship. Thanks to your generosity I am one step closer to accomplishing my goals. I am the first in my family to attend college; my educational pursuits will not be possible without your generosity. I am very thankful that your generosity will serve as a motivation and remind me that hard work and perseverance will always be rewarded. As proverbs 27:17 states “as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another” the generosity you have shown me, I will, in turn, strive to have the same impact on others when I achieve my goals.”
Ben-ami Spence
Hollywood, Florida
“I am writing this letter to you today to thank you for the great financial support that was provided for my upcoming fall and spring semester. I am surely blessed to receive a reward such as this one. I thank you for all the help and I am grateful for being selected. I hope all is well! Thank you.”

Caitlin Swiggett
Archdale, North Carolina
“I am honored to be the recipient of the Roni and Charity Bowers Endowed Memorial Scholarship. Thank you for your generous support, it has made this part of my journey financially easier. This is my first year at Carolina University and I can already report that my academics are off to a first-rate start. My plans at this stage are to complete my undergraduate degree in Biblical Studies. After I earn my degree, I will go and serve on the mission field. I am still waiting for God’s direction on where I will be serving, but I am prepared to go wherever he calls. Your scholarship is helping me earn my degree, which is preparing me for sharing the gospel and making disciples. Ever since God has called me, he has given me a strong desire to see the salvation of others. Without your scholarship I would not be fully equipped to do this. Once again, thank you for the vote of confidence and the scholarship. I am committed to my education and to serving God. Your financial contribution has helped me come one step closer to becoming a missionary. Thank you for your generosity and the Roni and Charity Bowers Endowed Memorial Scholarship.”

Ashleigh Webster
Henryetta, Oklahoma
“I am honored to be one of the recipients of the Williams Family Endowed Scholarship. Thanks to your generous support I am the second family member to be working towards my bachelor’s degree. I am a mother of five and am working hard to show my children that it is never too late to pursue your dreams. I am entering my sophomore year at Carolina University. I am working towards my Bachelor’s in Deaf Studies as a Sign Language Interpreter. Carolina University is one of the few Universities that offer my degree plan online and I am fortunate to be able to attend. Living out of state and having children, getting a degree online was important. We recently moved from Texas to Oklahoma in December 2020. Before the move, I was part of the United Methodists Church of Joshua Texas. I volunteered every week in the Backpacks for Kids Program. Every Friday, we would pack backpacks full of food for the less fortunate children in our city. I am hoping to find a program similar here in Oklahoma or start one of my own. Without generous support from scholarship sponsors like your organization, my education would not be possible. We are a one income family and are very grateful for your support. Thank you for this scholarship to help me continue my journey.”

A’Kaila Willis
Long Beach, California
“I am both honored and overjoyed to be one of the recipients of the Edgar Rowe & Elliot Belcher Endowed Scholarship. I will be majoring in Deaf Studies/ASL Interpreting. The opportunity to further my education and ministry through generous gifts like yours is not one that I take for granted. I look forward to actualizing all that I gain over these next few years and continuing to be a positive voice and light to those around me. Thank you again for your support and generosity.”