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Carolina University
Attn: Business Office
420 S. Broad St.
Winston-Salem NC 27101
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Give a Gift-in-Kind
A gift-in-kind is a donation or contribution of items that add value to the Carolina University educational experience. When received, any gift-in-kind becomes the property of Carolina University, and the university will decide the best use of the gift. We will consider using the gift to enrich a specific area of campus, but we also reserve the right to sell, exchange or discard items that do not match our current needs. Examples of a gift-in-kind could include but not be limited to book collections, office equipment, building supplies, transportation vehicles, and artwork. To make a gift-in-kind, please contact the Office of Development at 336-370-5900 or
Give Stocks
You can donate appreciated stocks, mutual funds, ETFs, index funds, and more to Carolina University. Check out the following link to learn more about gifts of stock.
Give by Planned or Deferred Gifts
Planned giving provides an opportunity for significant charitable donations by naming Carolina University as a beneficiary, setting up an annuity, and more. For more information, use the Planned Gifts link.
Give with an Employer Matched Gift
Have you given a gift to Carolina University and wonder if your employer can provide a matching gift? Check with your employer's HR office to see if they provide matching gifts. If so, you can provide them with our federal tax ID number (56-0594591) to get the matching gift started.
If you need additional information or assistance with any other forms of giving, please contact the Office of Development at 336-370-5900 or
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See How Giving Changes Lives
My name is Victor Rodriguez and I was born in Puerto Rico. In 2014, I moved from Puerto Rico to North Carolina looking to start a new life. The change was hard. I was in a new country, surrounded by new people, and a language and culture very different from mine. I always had the dream to go to college, but I was terrified because of the language barrier and the fear of not being able to succeed. For the first three years, I avoided enrolling in school out of fear, but thankfully, my pastors helped me to take the first step.
My first visit to campus was like the scent of the earth after heavy rain or the smell of fresh coffee. It just felt like home! After I met the staff and my fellow peers, I realized that Carolina University was the right place for me. Here I found diversity, unity, and grace. Due to the language barrier, I had my challenges, but thankfully both the staff and student body were very helpful whenever I needed assistance. Carolina University has helped me not just academically but personally by helping me interact effectively with the culture, the community, and create personal goals. Thank you Carolina University!