Sprinkle, Dr. Joe M.
I was Professor of Old Testament at Crossroads College in Rochester Minnesota where I worked from 2003 till the college closed in 2016. I continue to teach as an adjunct at various institutions including as of 2024 Johnson University, Emmaus Bible College, Carolina University, and Mestrado International em Teologia (Brazil). Previously, I taught Old Testament for fifteen years at Toccoa Falls College in Toccoa, Georgia. All these are church related schools in the Evangelical tradition. Educationally I have an undergraduate degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Oklahoma, and I worked briefly as an engineer at a plastics company in Sand Springs, Oklahoma, but that was an entirely different life that is now but a distant memory. In 1978 I went to seminary at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois where I earned a Master of Divinity degree, and from there I went on to Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati, Ohio were I earned my Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Literature (Hebraic and Cognate Studies). I have published four books, my dissertation ('The Book of the Covenant': A Literary Approach), a collection of essays on biblical law (Biblical Law and its Relevance), and commentaries on Leviticus-Numbers and on the book of Daniel.
In addition to teaching and writing I have done pulpit supply preaching in the Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin region, and I serve as an elder at my church. I am married with two adult children.