Kern, Dr. Rosalie

Dean, School of Social & Behavioral Science
Director of Psychology
Associate Professor of Psychology
School of Social & Behavioral Science
PhD in Experimental Psychology, Central Michigan University 2001
MS in General/Experimental Psychology, Central Michigan University 1998
BS in Psychology, Central Michigan University 1996


Dr. Rosalie Kern is an Experimental Psychologist. She holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology with a specialization in Psychology and Law; Master of Science in Psychology with a specialization in Emotion and Memory; and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology with minors in Spanish and Latin American Studies. She has been an invited guest lecturer by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police at the Canadian Police College in Ottawa, ON, Canada. Also, she has worked as an assistant trial consultant for a private firm in Chicago.

Dr. Kern's career began as an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Michigan Tech University in Houghton, MI. She was later promoted to Associate Professor and helped create their Psychology Major and then a Master's in Human Factors Psychology. A few years later, she relocated to North Carolina and joined the faculty at Pfeiffer University. She served on the faculty there for 8 years before accepting the position of Program Director and Associate Professor at Carolina University.

Throughout her career, she continued to enhance her career by attending numerous workshops and continuing education courses. During her tenure at Pfeiffer University, she designed and implemented several new courses and program curriculum changes as well as served as Vice Chair and later Chair of the Institutional Review Board for research.

In addition to her teaching and service, she has spent time volunteering, attending conferences, and researching. She is a member of several national professional organizations and has been a reviewer for numerous Psychological Journals. She loves teaching, and cultivating an appreciation for the field of Psychology especially with regard to critical thinking and research.

Outside of work, Dr. Kern can be found riding her horse, gardening, and relaxing with her dog and her friends.


Helton, W.S., Kern, R.P., & Walker, D.R. (2009). Tympanic membrane temperature, exposure to emotional stimuli, and the sustained attention to response task. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 31,611-616.

Helton, W.S., Kern, R.P., & Walker, D.R. (2009). Speed-accuracy tradeoffs and the role of emotional stimuli on the sustained attention to response task (SART). Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 53rd Annual Meeting.

Helton, W.S., Kern, R.P., & Walker, D. (2009). Conscious thought and the sustained attention to response task. Consciousness and Cognition,18, 600-607.

Carter, J. R., Durocher, J. J., & Kern, R. P. (2008). Neural and cardiovascular response to emotional stress in humans. American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 295, 1898-1903.

Kern, R. P., Libkuman, T. M., & Temple, S. L. (2007). Perceptions of domestic violence and mock jurors' sentencing decisions. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 22, 1515-1535.

Libkuman, T. M., Otani, H., Kern, R. P., Viger, S. G., & Novak, N. (2007). Multidimensional normative ratings for the International Affective Picture System. Behavior Research Methods, Vol 39, 326-334.

Kern, R. P., Libkuman, T. L., Otani, H. & Holmes, K. (2005). Emotional stimuli, divided attention, and memory. Emotion, 5, 408-417.

Otani, H., Kusumu, T., Kato, K., Matsuda, K., Kern, R. P., Widner, R. L., Jr., & Ohta, N. (2005). Remembering a nuclear accident in Japan: Did it trigger flashbulb memories? Memory, 13, 6-20.

Kern, R. P., Libkuman, T. M., & Otani, H. (2002). Memory for negatively arousing and neutral pictorial stimuli using a repeated testing paradigm. Cognition & Emotion, 16, 749-767.

Libkuman, T. M., Griffith, J. D., Nichols-Whitehead, P. L., & Thomas [Kern], R. P. (1999). Source of arousal and memory for detail. Memory & Cognition. 27, 166-190.


Kern, R. P. & Dean, H. (2020). Is it Dangerous only when the worst happens?

Paper accepted for presentation at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA, April 1-4, 2020. Cancelled due to COVID-19.

Kern, R. P. & Ricoveri, C. (2018). Gender typing is alive and strong. Paper presented at the 64th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Charleston, SC, March 6 – 9th.

Kern, R. P. & Lee-Hathcock, Taylor (2016). If you’re happy and you know it, show it! Paper presented at the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology conference, Louisville, Kentucky, March 10-12.

Purcell, V., Moran-Estrada, E., Isley, K., & Kern, R.P. (2014) Personality doesn’t matter, it’s looks: Attractiveness and Social Media. Paper presentation for State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavours Conference, Raleigh, NC. November 22nd.

Kern, R. P., Helton, W. S., Schaeffer, D. J., & Landow, M. P. (2009). The Effect of Emotional Arousal and Source of Sound on Memory for Pictures. Paper presented at the Sothern Society for Philosophy and Psychology conference, Savannah, Georgia, April 9 – 12.

Kern, R. P. & Schaeffer, D. (2008). The effect of arousal, sound and valence on memory for pictures. Paper presented at the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 20-23.

Kern, R. P., Burgess, S., Cruth, M., & Ganger, S.T., (2008). The effects of material presentation style and recall instructions on memory for news. (2008). Paper accepted for presentation at the Sothern Society for Philosophy and Psychology conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 20-23.

Kern, R. P. (2007). Valence, sound, and memory for pictures. Poster session presented at the Society for Applied Research in memory and Cognition (SARMAC), July 25-29, Lewiston, Maine

Kern, R. P., Woller, M., Luse, M., & Schnieder, M. (2006). Personality traits and perceptions of sexual harassment. Poster session presented at the Association for Psychological Science 18th Annual Convention, May 25-28, New York, NY.

Kern, R. P. (2005). The effects of valence and theme congruent sounds on memory for pictorial stimuli. Poster session presented at the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science annual convention, July 14 – 17, Montreal, Canada.

Kern, R. P. (2005). Perceptions of sexual harassment on a college campus. Paper presented at the Northern Michigan University Undergraduate Conference, April, 25th, Marquette Michigan.

Kern, R. P., Wilson, A. L., & Gratz, R. (2003). Effects of valence and theme congruent sound on memory for pictorial stimuli. Paper presented at the Sothern Society for Philosophy and Psychology conference, Atlanta, Georgia.

Kern, R. P., Libkuman, T. M., & Otani, H. (2002). Emotion and verdict: Outcome depends on the Measure of Emotion. Paper presented at the American Psychology - Law Society Biennial Conference, Austin, Texas.

Kern, R. P., Libkuman, T. M., Palosaari, C., & Ziemnick, A. (2002). Personality traits and perception of sexual harassment. Poster session presented at the American Psychology - Law Society Biennial Conference, Austin, Texas.

Amato-Henderson, S. L. & Kern, R. P., (2002). What's hot, what's not: The last 50 years in psychology and law. Poster session presented at the American Psychology - Law Society Biennial Conference, Austin, Texas

Kern, R. P. (2001). Improving students' reading schedules and comprehension. Presented at The 23rd Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersberg Beach, Florida.

Kern, R., Temple, S., & Libkuman, T. M. (2000). The effects of perceptions of domestic violence on mock jurors’ sentencing decisions. Poster session presented at the American Psychology-Law Society Biennial Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Viger, S. G., Libkuman, T. M., Thomas [Kern], R. P., Otani, H., Bauer, S., Guzak, D., & Ayala, C. (2000). Multidimensional normative ratings for photographs from the international affective picture system. Poster session presented at the annual American Psychological Society Annual Convention, Miami, FL.

Thomas [Kern], R. P. , Holmes, K. L., Libkuman, T. L., & Otani, H. (1999). Divided attention does not alter memory for arousing stimuli. Poster session presented at the American Psychological Society Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado.

Morton, D., Thomas [Kern], R. P., & Libkuman, T. M. (1999). Removing the material/arousal confound leads to improvement in background detail memory. Presented at the American Psychological Society Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado.

Thomas [Kern], R. P., Libkurnan, T. M., & Otani, H. (1998). The effect of arousal on memory for pictorial stimuli using a repeated testing paradigm. Presented at the American Psychological Society Annual Convention, Washington, DC.

Babcock, R. L., & Thomas [Kern], R. P. (1998). Analvsis of the age differences in types of errors on the Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices. Presented at the Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.

Libkuman, T. M., Kling, A., Richter, C., & Thomas [Kern], R. P. (1997). Anxiety and memory for emotional events. Presented at the American Psychological Society Annual Convention, Washington, DC.

Monahan, J. S., & Thomas [Kern], R. P. (1996). Discovering perceptual structure: Speeded classification and visual search. Presented at the 12th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychonomics, Padova, Italy.

Thomas [Kern], R. P. (1996). Why won't they ask why? Student Question asking behaviors in university and community college settings. Paper presented at the Liberal Arts Network for Development, Grand Rapids, MI

Thomas [Kern], R. P. & Monahan, J. S. (1996). Repetition blindness: The effect of lexical access. Paper presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Chicago, Illinois.

Thomas [Kern], R. P., Libkuman, T. M., Librecht, T. & Utterback, T. (1996). The effects of Physiological and emotional arousal on memory for detail. Poster session presented at the American Psychological Society Annual Convention, San Francisco, California.

Kern, Rosalie