Gilley, Dr. Terrill
Dr. Terrill [TAIR-uhl] Gilley is a native of North Carolina, where he resides with his wife and two young children, Lucy (8) and Henry (5). Living in Central Florida for over a decade, he took up bass fishing, meat smoking, and alligator hunting. Terrill is also a coffee aficionado, a skilled carpenter, an ordained minister, and a musician. When he is not working, he is likely out on a tractor or tackling a “fun” project from his wife’s Pinterest board.
Dr. Gilley has worked in educational technology for nearly two decades and has had roles as a Network Administrator, Academic Coordinator, Registrar, LMS Administrator, and Director of Technology. His time at Carolina University dates back more than 25 years as a student in the School of Divinity. While establishing early roles in vocational ministry and law enforcement chaplaincy, he pursued technology as a means to overcome the often-limited budgets of non-profit organizations and governmental entities while affording them access to the resources necessary to accomplish their goals.
Transitioning from K-12 education to higher education in 2016, Dr. Gilley served under Carolina University’s Provost and received hands-on experience in educational administration while earning his Ph.D. During his time at CU, Dr. Gilley championed efforts to create automated, efficient, and scalable solutions that minimize expenditures and provide margin for meaningful engagement and improved customer service. Dr. Gilley’s efforts to earn the respect of vendors, colleagues, and students at CU facilitated the transition into a broader role within higher education. His current role as a Product Manager at Jenzabar allows him to affect change through collaboration of faculty, students, administrators, developers, and designers to create software that facilitates success in institutions of higher education.